[优秀毕业设计毕业论文]sx-zy-500a型塑料注射成型机 液压系统毕业设计.doc
[优秀毕业设计毕业论文]sx-zy-500a型塑料注射成型机 液压系统毕业设计,摘要本设计通过了解注射机的工作原理及其机构组成,分析其典型零件的组成及动作原理,并通过液压系统的工况分析,初步计算确定其主要技术参数,设计其液压系统,选择合理的液压原件,使油泵电机的转速与注塑机工作所需液压的流量与压力乘积成正比,将传统的定量泵改造成变频变量泵,从而使溢流阀的回油流量降到最小,无高压节流能量损失,进而将...

此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布
This design constitutes through work principle and its organization that understanding injects machine, analyze constitute of its typical model spare parts and act principle, and pass the work condition that the liquid presses system analysis, the initial calculation make sure it main technique parameter, design its liquid to press system, choose a reasonable liquid to press an original piece, make the oil pump turn of electrical engineering soon with note Su machine discharge and pressure product that the liquid press that work need into a direct proportion, reform a traditional metered pump change the Pin change to measure a pump, make to overflow to flow the return of valve oil discharge to decline to least thus, have no high pressure to reduce expenses energy loss and then have tradition to"consume ability type" that the high pressure reduce expenses to note Su machine to get stripe for have no the high pressure reduce expenses of"economy energy type" note Su machine.
Keyword:Inject machine;The liquid presses system;Technique parameter;Economize on energy
目 录
1. 绪 论 10
1.1 注塑机的发展简史及国内外现状 10
1.2 课题设计的目的和意义 12
2. 注塑机的工作原理及机构组成 13
2.1 注塑机的工作原理 13
2.2 注塑机的分类 13
2.3 注塑机的组成结构分析 14
3. XS-ZY-500塑料注射成型机液压系统的设计计算 20
3.1 主要技术参数 20
3.2 工况分析 21
3.4 油缸工作压力和流量的确定 23
3.5 液压系统方案和工作原理图的拟定 29
3.6 液压元件的选择 32
3.7 压力系统性能的验算 37
参考文献 44
致 谢 45
附录 46
This design constitutes through work principle and its organization that understanding injects machine, analyze constitute of its typical model spare parts and act principle, and pass the work condition that the liquid presses system analysis, the initial calculation make sure it main technique parameter, design its liquid to press system, choose a reasonable liquid to press an original piece, make the oil pump turn of electrical engineering soon with note Su machine discharge and pressure product that the liquid press that work need into a direct proportion, reform a traditional metered pump change the Pin change to measure a pump, make to overflow to flow the return of valve oil discharge to decline to least thus, have no high pressure to reduce expenses energy loss and then have tradition to"consume ability type" that the high pressure reduce expenses to note Su machine to get stripe for have no the high pressure reduce expenses of"economy energy type" note Su machine.
Keyword:Inject machine;The liquid presses system;Technique parameter;Economize on energy
目 录
1. 绪 论 10
1.1 注塑机的发展简史及国内外现状 10
1.2 课题设计的目的和意义 12
2. 注塑机的工作原理及机构组成 13
2.1 注塑机的工作原理 13
2.2 注塑机的分类 13
2.3 注塑机的组成结构分析 14
3. XS-ZY-500塑料注射成型机液压系统的设计计算 20
3.1 主要技术参数 20
3.2 工况分析 21
3.4 油缸工作压力和流量的确定 23
3.5 液压系统方案和工作原理图的拟定 29
3.6 液压元件的选择 32
3.7 压力系统性能的验算 37
参考文献 44
致 谢 45
附录 46