船用齿轮箱结构强度分析及优化(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要齿轮箱是机械传动的一个主要组成部分,在原动机和执行机构之间起匹配转速和传递转矩的作用。齿轮箱体作为齿轮箱的重要组成部分,其设计好坏直接影响传动性能以及制造成本。齿轮箱箱体在实际工作时受到弯曲和扭转应力作用,受力情况较复杂,采用传统方法设计齿轮箱箱体时,为了保证齿轮箱...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布
摘 要
1) 对齿轮箱传动系统及结构形式进行分析,并运用Pro/E软件建立了箱体的三维实体模型。
3) 应用有限元软件对船用齿轮箱体进行强度和位移分析。
5) 根据有限元分析结果,对箱体进行结构优化,并对其进行重分析,以确定其优化的合理性。
Gear box is a major component of mechanical transmission, which in the original motives and executive bodies from the match between speed and torque transfer the role. Gearbox gear box as an important part of their design have a direct impact on driving performance and manufacturing costs.
Gear box in the hours actually worked by bending and reverse the stress, stress situation more complex, using the traditional method of design gear box, in order to guarantee the strength and gear box structure stiffness, the choice of design safety factors are often too large, Causing unnecessary waste of materials. Use of finite element analysis of the box, based on an analysis of the results, the enclosure design to optimize improvement, balanced stress field, where possible, reduce the weight box, the project has good practical value.
The main research works are:
1) Carry on analysis to transmission system and structure of the gearbox, and make use of 3D graphics software Pro / E established a 3D model of the gearbox.
2) Analyze to compute box load under each work condition.
3) Application of finite element software for the marine gear box to analyze intensity and displacement.
4) Marine gear box inherent characteristics analysis.
5) According to finite element analysis, optimize the structure of the gearbox, and re- analyze to determine the reasonableness of its optimization.
Key Words: Gear box, the finite element method, static analysis, optimize
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1减速器的发展现状 1
1.1.1国内减速器的发展现状 1
1.1.2国外减速器的发展现状 1
1.2减速器箱体的研究现状及研究趋势 2
1.3本文研究对象及意义 4
2 船用齿轮箱传动系统分析及工况计算 6
2.1船用齿轮箱传动系统 6
2.1.1 船用齿轮箱传动原理 6
2.1.2 船用齿轮箱结构形式及参数 6
2.2 各工况下箱体载荷分析 7
2.2.1 工况分析 7
2.2.2 载荷计算 8
2.3 箱体有限元建模 12
2.3.1 Pro/ENGINEER 简介 12
2.3.2三维实体模型建立 13
3 箱体结构有限元静力分析 16
3.1 强度理论 16
3.2 箱体有限元分析 18
3.2.1箱体有限元分析模型 18
3.2.2 箱体载荷施加与约束边界 19
3.3齿轮箱体有限元计算结果与分析 20
4 齿轮箱体有限元模态分析 23
4.1 模态分析基础 23
4.1.1 模态分析基本思想及原理 23
4.1.2 箱体模态分析有限元基本方程 23
4.1.3 模态求解方法介绍 25
4.2箱体有限元模态计算结果及分析 26
4.3 箱体模态计算分析 26
5 箱体结构优化及有限元重分析 28
6 结论 30
6.1 工作总结 30
6.2 展望 30
参考文献 32
摘 要
1) 对齿轮箱传动系统及结构形式进行分析,并运用Pro/E软件建立了箱体的三维实体模型。
3) 应用有限元软件对船用齿轮箱体进行强度和位移分析。
5) 根据有限元分析结果,对箱体进行结构优化,并对其进行重分析,以确定其优化的合理性。
Gear box is a major component of mechanical transmission, which in the original motives and executive bodies from the match between speed and torque transfer the role. Gearbox gear box as an important part of their design have a direct impact on driving performance and manufacturing costs.
Gear box in the hours actually worked by bending and reverse the stress, stress situation more complex, using the traditional method of design gear box, in order to guarantee the strength and gear box structure stiffness, the choice of design safety factors are often too large, Causing unnecessary waste of materials. Use of finite element analysis of the box, based on an analysis of the results, the enclosure design to optimize improvement, balanced stress field, where possible, reduce the weight box, the project has good practical value.
The main research works are:
1) Carry on analysis to transmission system and structure of the gearbox, and make use of 3D graphics software Pro / E established a 3D model of the gearbox.
2) Analyze to compute box load under each work condition.
3) Application of finite element software for the marine gear box to analyze intensity and displacement.
4) Marine gear box inherent characteristics analysis.
5) According to finite element analysis, optimize the structure of the gearbox, and re- analyze to determine the reasonableness of its optimization.
Key Words: Gear box, the finite element method, static analysis, optimize
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1减速器的发展现状 1
1.1.1国内减速器的发展现状 1
1.1.2国外减速器的发展现状 1
1.2减速器箱体的研究现状及研究趋势 2
1.3本文研究对象及意义 4
2 船用齿轮箱传动系统分析及工况计算 6
2.1船用齿轮箱传动系统 6
2.1.1 船用齿轮箱传动原理 6
2.1.2 船用齿轮箱结构形式及参数 6
2.2 各工况下箱体载荷分析 7
2.2.1 工况分析 7
2.2.2 载荷计算 8
2.3 箱体有限元建模 12
2.3.1 Pro/ENGINEER 简介 12
2.3.2三维实体模型建立 13
3 箱体结构有限元静力分析 16
3.1 强度理论 16
3.2 箱体有限元分析 18
3.2.1箱体有限元分析模型 18
3.2.2 箱体载荷施加与约束边界 19
3.3齿轮箱体有限元计算结果与分析 20
4 齿轮箱体有限元模态分析 23
4.1 模态分析基础 23
4.1.1 模态分析基本思想及原理 23
4.1.2 箱体模态分析有限元基本方程 23
4.1.3 模态求解方法介绍 25
4.2箱体有限元模态计算结果及分析 26
4.3 箱体模态计算分析 26
5 箱体结构优化及有限元重分析 28
6 结论 30
6.1 工作总结 30
6.2 展望 30
参考文献 32