
此文档由会员 cglina 发布
摘 要
Reverse Engineering is one of the methods for digital product development. It shortens exploitation period, improves precision and is an important way to create and develop a new product by digesting and absorbing advanced technology. Presently, there are two aspects in research of RE: one is system integration; the other one is research on the pivotal technology of RE, which includes data acquiring and CAD model reconstruction. Curve and surface reconstruction is the crucial tache of CAD model reconstruction.
On account of that, this thesis will focus on feature curve fitting including fitting of line, fitting of circle and fitting of ellipse, which is the pivotal technology of RE. Based on the theory of Least Square, we solve the problem of line fitting by using EVE method and we apply SVD method to the problem of circle. Finally, we deal with the problem of fitting ellipse by using a method of fitting conic .Then based on a existed software, we develop a software module named curve fitting by VC6.0 and OpenGL.
At the last we test our fitting method and software module by using some point dates get from UG .Experimental results show that our fitting method and software module can fit feature curve including line, circle, ellipse efficiently.
Key words:Reverse engineering,Curve fitting,Least Square
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 反求工程的含义 1
1.2 反求工程的关键技术 2
1.3 反求工程的应用 2
1.4 国内外反求工程的研究现状 3
1.5 课题意义及主要工作 4
1.5.1课题意义 4
1.5.2课题主要工作及预期目标 4
1.5.3本文内容安排 4
1.6本章小结 5
2 曲线拟合的数学方法与理论 6
2.1概述 6
2.2最小二乘法基本理论 6
2.2.1最小二乘法 6
2.2.2线性最小二乘法 7
2.2.3非线性最小二乘法 8
2.3高斯消去法基本理论 8
2.4本章小结 11
3 特征曲线的最小二乘拟合技术 12
3.1直线拟合 12
3.2圆拟合 13
3.3椭圆拟合 14
3.3.1二次曲线拟合方法 14
3.3.2椭圆拟合方法 15
3.4本章小结 16
4 曲线拟合模块的设计以及实现 17
4.1软件模块开发的计算机基本要求 17
4.2 OpenGL图形库 17
4.3软件模块的设计与实现 18
4.3.1软件功能界面设计 18
4.3.2软件模块程序设计 20
4.3.3软件模块功能演示与检验 37
4.3.4拟合结果分析 43
4.4本章小结 43
5 研究结论与展望 44
5.1研究结论 44
5.2研究展望 44
5.3本章小结 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46
摘 要
Reverse Engineering is one of the methods for digital product development. It shortens exploitation period, improves precision and is an important way to create and develop a new product by digesting and absorbing advanced technology. Presently, there are two aspects in research of RE: one is system integration; the other one is research on the pivotal technology of RE, which includes data acquiring and CAD model reconstruction. Curve and surface reconstruction is the crucial tache of CAD model reconstruction.
On account of that, this thesis will focus on feature curve fitting including fitting of line, fitting of circle and fitting of ellipse, which is the pivotal technology of RE. Based on the theory of Least Square, we solve the problem of line fitting by using EVE method and we apply SVD method to the problem of circle. Finally, we deal with the problem of fitting ellipse by using a method of fitting conic .Then based on a existed software, we develop a software module named curve fitting by VC6.0 and OpenGL.
At the last we test our fitting method and software module by using some point dates get from UG .Experimental results show that our fitting method and software module can fit feature curve including line, circle, ellipse efficiently.
Key words:Reverse engineering,Curve fitting,Least Square
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 反求工程的含义 1
1.2 反求工程的关键技术 2
1.3 反求工程的应用 2
1.4 国内外反求工程的研究现状 3
1.5 课题意义及主要工作 4
1.5.1课题意义 4
1.5.2课题主要工作及预期目标 4
1.5.3本文内容安排 4
1.6本章小结 5
2 曲线拟合的数学方法与理论 6
2.1概述 6
2.2最小二乘法基本理论 6
2.2.1最小二乘法 6
2.2.2线性最小二乘法 7
2.2.3非线性最小二乘法 8
2.3高斯消去法基本理论 8
2.4本章小结 11
3 特征曲线的最小二乘拟合技术 12
3.1直线拟合 12
3.2圆拟合 13
3.3椭圆拟合 14
3.3.1二次曲线拟合方法 14
3.3.2椭圆拟合方法 15
3.4本章小结 16
4 曲线拟合模块的设计以及实现 17
4.1软件模块开发的计算机基本要求 17
4.2 OpenGL图形库 17
4.3软件模块的设计与实现 18
4.3.1软件功能界面设计 18
4.3.2软件模块程序设计 20
4.3.3软件模块功能演示与检验 37
4.3.4拟合结果分析 43
4.4本章小结 43
5 研究结论与展望 44
5.1研究结论 44
5.2研究展望 44
5.3本章小结 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46