工业工程专业所开实验项目信息集成研究(本科毕业论文设计),摘要基于对国内院校工业工程专业的广泛调查,分析了有关院校工业工程实验室的建设情况,并结合工业工程实验设置的现状,通过本项目的研究,逐步建设起具有综合性、实际性以及运用性的“工业工程实验项目信息集成系统 ”,建立一个实验平台。对各项实验进行统一的管理,进一步创新,在...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布
摘 要
基于对国内院校工业工程专业的广泛调查,分析了有关院校工业工程实验室的建设情况,并结合工业工程实验设置的现状,通过本项目的研究,逐步建设起具有综合性、实际性以及运用性的“工业工程实验项目信息集成系统 ”,建立一个实验平台。对各项实验进行统一的管理,进一步创新,在提高实验资源的利用率的同时,提高学生实验的积极性,开发学生的研究能力,提供学生自主学习的空间,从而大大的提高实验的效果。
Based on national institutions of industrial engineering extensive investigations, analysis of the institutions of industrial engineering laboratory building, combined with Chongqing University industrial engineering experiment set-up of the status quo, through the study of the item, and gradually built a comprehensive, practical As well as the use of the "Industrial Engineering Information Integration System pilot project" to establish an experimental platform. Experiment on the unified management, and further innovation in improving the utilization of resources at the same time, enhance the enthusiasm of the students experiment, students develop the research capacity, to provide students independent study of space, thus greatly improving the experimental results.
Industrial Engineering opened by the pilot project information integration, comprehensive experimental platform that is the guiding ideology of the building are: to strengthen the industrial engineering students in basic theoretical knowledge, the basic technology tools and basic sense of culture; enhance students of modern industrial engineering systems analysis, planning, design, optimization, Control and eva luation capacity of the culture; prominent modern industrial projects in information and integration features. It is from the above guiding ideology of the industrial engineering laboratory building is the general requirements for building a comprehensive, integrated modern industrial system simulation environment, to provide students with a modern manufacturing system against the background of the industrial engineering teaching experiment environment, to a professional Experiments at the same time, but also to enable students to participate in design and development of independent experiments, access to knowledge from the experiment.
Key words:Industrial engineering, laboratory building, information integration, experimental platform
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1国内工业工程的现状 1
1.2国外工业工程的现状 1
1.3实验项目信息集成研究的意义 2
2工业工程实验室建设的现状 3
2.1 实验室的概况 3
2.2所开实验项目 4
2.2.1生产计划与控制 4
2.2.2基础工业工程 6
2.2.3人因工程学 7
2.2.4设施规划与物流 9
2.2.5财务与成本管理 10
2.2.6电子商务 11
2.2.7系统工程 11
2.2.8 统计学原理 11
2.3实验室现存问题分析 12
2.3.1结构不完善 12
2.3.2信息化程度低 12
2.3.3功能不完善 13
3工业工程实验信息集成总体规划 15
3.1我国工业工程建设的现状 15
3.1.1我国工业工程的现状 15
3.1.2我国工业工程实验的建设情况 15
3.2工业工程在国际上的发展与应用 19
3.3工业工程实验信息集成的总体规划 22
3.4综合实验平台建设后的改进之处 23
4工业工程实验项目信息集成的详细研究 24
4.1信息集成的思路和方法 24
4.2实验理念的创新 24
4.3实验项目“分散化”向“系统化”转变 27
4.4“必修实验”向“选修实验 ”的转变 28
5结束语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 44
摘 要
基于对国内院校工业工程专业的广泛调查,分析了有关院校工业工程实验室的建设情况,并结合工业工程实验设置的现状,通过本项目的研究,逐步建设起具有综合性、实际性以及运用性的“工业工程实验项目信息集成系统 ”,建立一个实验平台。对各项实验进行统一的管理,进一步创新,在提高实验资源的利用率的同时,提高学生实验的积极性,开发学生的研究能力,提供学生自主学习的空间,从而大大的提高实验的效果。
Based on national institutions of industrial engineering extensive investigations, analysis of the institutions of industrial engineering laboratory building, combined with Chongqing University industrial engineering experiment set-up of the status quo, through the study of the item, and gradually built a comprehensive, practical As well as the use of the "Industrial Engineering Information Integration System pilot project" to establish an experimental platform. Experiment on the unified management, and further innovation in improving the utilization of resources at the same time, enhance the enthusiasm of the students experiment, students develop the research capacity, to provide students independent study of space, thus greatly improving the experimental results.
Industrial Engineering opened by the pilot project information integration, comprehensive experimental platform that is the guiding ideology of the building are: to strengthen the industrial engineering students in basic theoretical knowledge, the basic technology tools and basic sense of culture; enhance students of modern industrial engineering systems analysis, planning, design, optimization, Control and eva luation capacity of the culture; prominent modern industrial projects in information and integration features. It is from the above guiding ideology of the industrial engineering laboratory building is the general requirements for building a comprehensive, integrated modern industrial system simulation environment, to provide students with a modern manufacturing system against the background of the industrial engineering teaching experiment environment, to a professional Experiments at the same time, but also to enable students to participate in design and development of independent experiments, access to knowledge from the experiment.
Key words:Industrial engineering, laboratory building, information integration, experimental platform
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1国内工业工程的现状 1
1.2国外工业工程的现状 1
1.3实验项目信息集成研究的意义 2
2工业工程实验室建设的现状 3
2.1 实验室的概况 3
2.2所开实验项目 4
2.2.1生产计划与控制 4
2.2.2基础工业工程 6
2.2.3人因工程学 7
2.2.4设施规划与物流 9
2.2.5财务与成本管理 10
2.2.6电子商务 11
2.2.7系统工程 11
2.2.8 统计学原理 11
2.3实验室现存问题分析 12
2.3.1结构不完善 12
2.3.2信息化程度低 12
2.3.3功能不完善 13
3工业工程实验信息集成总体规划 15
3.1我国工业工程建设的现状 15
3.1.1我国工业工程的现状 15
3.1.2我国工业工程实验的建设情况 15
3.2工业工程在国际上的发展与应用 19
3.3工业工程实验信息集成的总体规划 22
3.4综合实验平台建设后的改进之处 23
4工业工程实验项目信息集成的详细研究 24
4.1信息集成的思路和方法 24
4.2实验理念的创新 24
4.3实验项目“分散化”向“系统化”转变 27
4.4“必修实验”向“选修实验 ”的转变 28
5结束语 29
参考文献 30
致谢 44