滚动轴承先进故障诊断方法研究(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要随着科学技术的高速发展,对滚动轴承进行检测越来越重要。目前,我国滚动轴承缺陷依旧停留在手工检测阶段,技术落后、工作效率低。而日本、美国等国在其检测方面进行了大量的研究,并研制出了各种类型的检测装置,产生了巨大的经济效益。随着我国工业控制技术领域的巨大进步和市场的开放...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布
摘 要
With the development of the Science and Technology , defect inspection of roller bearing becomes more and more important to ensure the safety. but in our country, the roller bearing surface defect is still defected using hands leading low efficiency. In developed countries such as US and Japan, advanced research has been done and many defect equipment has been developed, thus high efficiency and economics could be reached. With the development of the industrial control technology and information technology, railway transport meets great challenges.
According to the surface defect image’s traits and using digital image processing, the paper abstracts the defects from the roller bearing surface defect image, makes classification of them according to their feature. The paper is composed of the following parts.
1. At the aspect of the image pretreatment, the thesis analyzes the characteristics and the way surface defect formed and difficulties of its recognition. Besides, it designs the basic framework of the processing and recognition system, improve an image, which help to enhance the contrast and remove the noise.
2. At the aspect of edge detect, at first, FCM clustering algorithm is used to separate edge from noise, then multiwavelet transform algorithm is used to make precision segmentation.
3. The neural network is applied to the recognition of surface detect. Defect’s area, its eccentricity, its solidity, its roundness, and its edge smoothness are extracted as 5 characters, also a BP neural network sorter is trained.
At last the paper provides the results of image processing and pattern recognition to different types of defects, which prove that the system could inspect roller bearing surface defects exactly and is applicable.
Key words: the roller bearing, Machine Vision , Fuzzy mean , Non-contact inspection ,CCD
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 轴承故障诊断与检测的重要性 1
1.2 滚动轴承故障检测技术的发展概况及现状 1
1.2.1 振动检测技术 2
1.2.2 铁谱检测技术 2
1.2.3 油膜电阻检测技术 2
1.2.4 温度检测技术 2
1.3 滚动轴承故障分析技术 3
1.3.1 传统的诊断方法 3
1.3.2 振动诊断技术在滚动轴承故障分析中的应用 4
1.4 基于机器视觉的检测方法 5
1.4.1 机器视觉技术的应用和发展 5
1.4.2 机器视觉系统的介绍[4] 6
2 轴承外圈表面缺陷检测装置研究 8
2.1 轴承外圈表面缺陷研究 8
2.1.1 轴承外圈表面缺陷的主要类型[5] 8
2.1.2 检测原理 9
2.2 轴承表面缺陷图像的处理和识别系统 9
2.3 光源及照明设计 10
2.3.1 光源的类型 10
2.3.2 光源的选择 12
2.3.3 照明方式 13
3 图像预处理 15
3.1 图像的自动获取 15
3.2 图像平滑滤波 15
3.2.1 均值滤波 16
3.2.2 加权平均滤波 16
3.2.3 高斯滤波 17
3.2.4 中值滤波 17
3.3 图像增强 18
3.3.1 灰度级线性变换[13] 19
3.3.2 直方图均衡化处理 20
3.4 图像二值化分割 20
3.4.1 固定阈值法(峰谷法) 21
3.4.2 迭代式阈值法 21
3.4.3 最优阈值法 22
3.4.4 自适应阈值法 22
4 诊断技术研究 24
4.1 缺陷识别的模糊C聚类分割算法 24
4.2 利用改进的FCM进行图像分割 24
4.3 缺陷目标边缘检测 25
4.3.1 微分边缘检测算子 26
4.3.2 基于小波理论的边缘检测算法[20] 27
4.4 缺陷识别的神经网络方法 28
4.4.1 人工神经网络概述 28
4.4.2 利用BP网络对缺陷分类 29
5 实验及分析 31
5.1 实验方案 31
5.2 结果分析 31
5.3 实验结论 35
6 结论 36
6.1 机器视觉检测技术的优缺点 36
6.2 以后的研究方向 36
致谢 38
参考文献 39
摘 要
With the development of the Science and Technology , defect inspection of roller bearing becomes more and more important to ensure the safety. but in our country, the roller bearing surface defect is still defected using hands leading low efficiency. In developed countries such as US and Japan, advanced research has been done and many defect equipment has been developed, thus high efficiency and economics could be reached. With the development of the industrial control technology and information technology, railway transport meets great challenges.
According to the surface defect image’s traits and using digital image processing, the paper abstracts the defects from the roller bearing surface defect image, makes classification of them according to their feature. The paper is composed of the following parts.
1. At the aspect of the image pretreatment, the thesis analyzes the characteristics and the way surface defect formed and difficulties of its recognition. Besides, it designs the basic framework of the processing and recognition system, improve an image, which help to enhance the contrast and remove the noise.
2. At the aspect of edge detect, at first, FCM clustering algorithm is used to separate edge from noise, then multiwavelet transform algorithm is used to make precision segmentation.
3. The neural network is applied to the recognition of surface detect. Defect’s area, its eccentricity, its solidity, its roundness, and its edge smoothness are extracted as 5 characters, also a BP neural network sorter is trained.
At last the paper provides the results of image processing and pattern recognition to different types of defects, which prove that the system could inspect roller bearing surface defects exactly and is applicable.
Key words: the roller bearing, Machine Vision , Fuzzy mean , Non-contact inspection ,CCD
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 轴承故障诊断与检测的重要性 1
1.2 滚动轴承故障检测技术的发展概况及现状 1
1.2.1 振动检测技术 2
1.2.2 铁谱检测技术 2
1.2.3 油膜电阻检测技术 2
1.2.4 温度检测技术 2
1.3 滚动轴承故障分析技术 3
1.3.1 传统的诊断方法 3
1.3.2 振动诊断技术在滚动轴承故障分析中的应用 4
1.4 基于机器视觉的检测方法 5
1.4.1 机器视觉技术的应用和发展 5
1.4.2 机器视觉系统的介绍[4] 6
2 轴承外圈表面缺陷检测装置研究 8
2.1 轴承外圈表面缺陷研究 8
2.1.1 轴承外圈表面缺陷的主要类型[5] 8
2.1.2 检测原理 9
2.2 轴承表面缺陷图像的处理和识别系统 9
2.3 光源及照明设计 10
2.3.1 光源的类型 10
2.3.2 光源的选择 12
2.3.3 照明方式 13
3 图像预处理 15
3.1 图像的自动获取 15
3.2 图像平滑滤波 15
3.2.1 均值滤波 16
3.2.2 加权平均滤波 16
3.2.3 高斯滤波 17
3.2.4 中值滤波 17
3.3 图像增强 18
3.3.1 灰度级线性变换[13] 19
3.3.2 直方图均衡化处理 20
3.4 图像二值化分割 20
3.4.1 固定阈值法(峰谷法) 21
3.4.2 迭代式阈值法 21
3.4.3 最优阈值法 22
3.4.4 自适应阈值法 22
4 诊断技术研究 24
4.1 缺陷识别的模糊C聚类分割算法 24
4.2 利用改进的FCM进行图像分割 24
4.3 缺陷目标边缘检测 25
4.3.1 微分边缘检测算子 26
4.3.2 基于小波理论的边缘检测算法[20] 27
4.4 缺陷识别的神经网络方法 28
4.4.1 人工神经网络概述 28
4.4.2 利用BP网络对缺陷分类 29
5 实验及分析 31
5.1 实验方案 31
5.2 结果分析 31
5.3 实验结论 35
6 结论 36
6.1 机器视觉检测技术的优缺点 36
6.2 以后的研究方向 36
致谢 38
参考文献 39