

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布

摘 要

混合动力汽车兼顾了传统汽车和纯电动汽车的优点,是目前最具可行性的低油耗、低排放汽车。现有的混合动力汽车若采用手动变速器传动,其性能受驾驶员个人习惯所影响,采用自动变速器可减小不同驾驶员驾驶同种车辆时整车性能差异。对于配备了电控机械自动变速器(AMT)的轻度混合动力汽车,由于可利用 ISG 电机的辅助工作能力,从而提高换挡品质,改善整车的舒适性。
本文以配备了 AMT 的 ISG 型轻度混合动力汽车为研究对象,对车辆的换挡过程,即换挡时间的长短进行了研究。主要工作内容如下:
①采用插值和拟合的方法,建立了相应的数值模型。对ISG 电机的工作原理进行了分析,并建立了相应的数学模型。
③针对影响换挡时间的主要因素,提出了利用 ISG 电机来缩小离合器主、从动盘转速差,从而提高轻度混合动力 AMT 车辆换挡品质的控制策略。
综上所述,本文对ISG型轻度混合动力AMT汽车进行了理论分析和仿真研究为研发轻度混合动力 AMT 汽车提供了理论及试验基础。



Hybrid electric vehicle is very feasible, economic and clean by congregating the advantages of conventional vehicle and electric ones. The performance of HEV is influenced by driver’s driving habits if it is equipped with manual transmission. Using automatic transmission can reduced the difference between drivers in the same car efficiently. ISG motor can be used to give a support to meliorate the comfort of driving by improving the shift quality.

This paper focus on the ISG type mild HEV equipped with AMT, considering
about the shifting dynamic performance, driving comforts and parts’ durability, have
done some research described as following.

①The power source simulation model has been established to control it efficiently.
The experiment data of engine and battery also has been analyzed to model them by
interpolation and matching.

②The shifting actuator structure and shifting process have been studied to estimate
the shifting time. The complete vehicle simulation model has been established by
combining the power source, clutch, transmission models and so on. Using this vehicle
model, the simulation analyze about shift quality can be prosecuted to get the most
quality infective process and factors.

③Then the paper aimed at the factors and proposed an optimized control strategy
by using ISG motor to reduce the rotating speed difference between clutch’s plates to
improve the shift quality.

All in all, this paper has done some research on ISG type mild HEV equipped with
AMT, and provided basement of theory and testing for AMT sample vehicle research.

Key words: Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), Fuzzy logic control, Robust, Control strategy

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 混合动力汽车概述 1
1.1.1混合动力汽车研究背景和现状 1
1.1.2混合动力汽车的基本分类和机构 3
1.2电控式自动变速器(AMT)概述 5
1.2.1 AMT电控系统的组成 5
1.2.2换挡规律的制定 5
1.2.3离合器规律的制定 5
1.2.4 AMT的分类 6
1.3换挡品质 7
1.3.1定义 7
1.3.2换挡品质评价指标 7
1.4 论文研究的意义和主要内容 7
1.4.1本课题的来源和研究意义 7
1.4.2 本课题研究的主要内容 8
2 动力源模型的建立 9
2.1发动机模型的建立 9
2.2混合动力汽车ISG电机的建模 11
2.3蓄电池模型 13
2.4本章小结 14
3 传动系换挡过程仿真模型的建立 15
3.1车辆换挡动力模型 15
3.2换挡过程分析 16
3.3离合器模型 17
3.3.1 离合器的控制要求 17
3.3.2离合器换挡过程分析及数学模型 17
3.4 同步器模型 19
3.5动力性换挡规律 20
3.6 本章小结 23
4 换挡过程仿真 24
4.1建立仿真工况 24
4.2换挡过程仿真 24
4.2.1 传统汽车换挡过程仿真 24
4.2.2 混合动力汽车在传统控制策略下换挡过程仿真 27
4.3换挡过程优化控制策略 29
4.3.1 换挡过程优化控制的提出 29
4.3.2 基于模糊控制方法的ISG电机转速控制 30
4.4混合动力汽车在优化控制策略下换挡过程仿真 31
4.5本章小结 33
5 结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36