

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布

摘 要




This paper studies the content of processing gas flame burning characteristics of the design method, in order to test different from the traditional static methods, such as Bunsen methods, transparency of methods, such as capacity high-pressure bombs, tracer particles of the new law, as well as laser deflection Methods and high-speed photography, we acetylene and liquefied petroleum gas as an example, the flame cutting on the basis of processing the gas flame burning characteristics of the study. This approach is based on the principle of burning gas combustion speed and the best location between the ratio of H to design, that is, the faster the burn, the best location H smaller combustion.
The results showed that in all other conditions remain unchanged, the only change to the nozzle of a high degree of copper, using thermocouple recorder function and find the best location burning H, H (acetylene)

Key words:fuel gases ,burning characteristics ,oxyfuel cutting, LGP,acetylene
目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究背景及意义 1
1.2 气体火焰切割 1
1.2.1 气体火焰切割原理、分类及特点 1
1.2.2 气体火焰切割工艺参数 4
1.3切割用燃气 5
1.3.1传统切割燃气-乙炔的气割分析 5
1.3.2新型切割燃气-液化石油气的气割分析 7
1.3.3新型切割用燃气的工业应用概况 8
1.4燃气燃烧特性对火焰切割性能的影响 10
1.4.1燃气的物理化学性质及燃烧特性比较 10
1.4.2常用燃气火焰切割性能 12
1.5几种常用的测量火焰燃烧速度的方法 13
1.5.1本生灯方法 13
1.5.2透明管方法 14
1.5.3等容高压弹方法 15
1.5.4肥皂泡(等压燃烧弹)方法 15
1.5.5粒子示踪法 16
1.5.6平焰燃烧器方法 16
2气体燃烧特性评价试验方法设计 17
2.1试验原理 17
2.2试验条件 17
2.2.1设置试验参数 17
2.2.2气体流量的确定 18
2.2.3切割材料的确定 18
2.3设备连接 19
3实验过程及结果分析 20
3.1实验过程 21
3.2实验结果 22
3.3实验结果分析 24
3.3.1乙炔+氧切割结果分析 24
3.3.2液化石油气+氧切割结果分析 25
3.3.3液化石油气+乙炔+氧切割结果分析 26
4 结论 27
致谢 29
参考文献 30