

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布

摘 要

首先,分析了大型通用有限元分析软件ANSYS的参数化设计语言APDL和面向对象的编程语言Visual C++6.0特点和优势,确定采用二者联合的方法开发平面板结构有限元分析系统;然后,建立了一种平面板结构弯曲分析的有限元模型,并生成了调用ANSYS分析的APDL命令流;其次,划分了系统功能模块,系统包括用户界面模块、ANSYS计算模块、VC调用接口模块和后处理模块等四部分。用VC的对话框编程来编制用户界面模块,然后用ANSYS的参数化设计语言APDL编写ANSYS计算模块,并通过VC调用接口模块,将VC与APDL编写的命令流嵌套起来。



In engineering practice, often have to deformation analysis for the structure that have been designed , and the traditional calculation method of calculation because the tasks are arduous, and low efficiency, and other shortcomings have been difficult to adapt to the needs of engineering analysis, and the existing structure of finite element analysis software industry Targeted not strong, and users learning cycles long, complicated operation and the excessive consumption of resources resulting system of speed too slowly, to the application of engineering staff has brought a lot of trouble. This article from the flat panel structure of the force characteristics of the flat panel structure finite element analysis system and its key technology to achieve a more in-depth study and the development of flat panel structure for the analysis of the dedicated analysis software.
First, the analysis of a large-scale finite element analysis software ANSYS the parameters of language APDL and object-oriented programming language Visual C + +6.0 characteristics and advantages, the two determined by the method of joint development of flat panel structure finite element analysis systems; Then, the establishment of a flat plate bending finite element analysis of the model, and generate a call ANSYS analysis of the APDL order flow; Second, the system of functional modules, the system includes user interface module, ANSYS calculation module, VC call interface module And post-processing module of four parts. VC dialog with the program to develop user interface module, and then use the parameters of ANSYS design language APDL prepared ANSYS calculation module, and through VC call interface module, will be prepared by the VC and APDL order flow nested together.
Finally, given the conclusions of this paper, and pointed out the shortcomings of the system and further expansion of the direction.

Key words:Flat Board Structure,VC++6.0,APDL,Finite Element Analysis

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 课题提出的背景及意义 1
1.1.1国内外平面板弯曲有限元分析的研究现状 1
1.1.2 ANSYS二次开发的研究现状 2
1.1.3 课题提出的意义 3
1.2 开发平面板有限元分析系统的方法 3
1.2.1 ANSYS二次开发技术 4
1.2.2 面向对象编程技术 6
1.3 本文研究的主要内容 7
2 平面板结构有限元分析 9
2.1 平面板弯曲的简介 9
2.1.1 超薄板理论 9
2.2 平面板结构有限元模型的建立 10
2.2.1 平面板结构的简化 10
2.2.2 平面板结构单元格的划分 10
2.2.3 平面板结构有限元分析模型的APDL命令流的生成 11
2.3 平面板所受压力及约束 12
2.3.1 平面板所受压力情况 12
2.3.2 平面板的约束情况 12
3平面板结构有限元分析系统实现关键技术 13
3.1 VC与APDL的相互嵌套 13
3.1.1 VC对话框的编辑 13
3.1.2 VC中文本文件的读写 14
3.1.3 VC中APDL命令流文件读写的实现 15
3.2 VC调用ANSYS以批处理方式运行的实现 17
4平面板结构有限元分析系统开发 19
4.1用户界面模块的开发 19
4.1.1概述 19
4.1.2原始参数的录入和压力分布 19
4.1.3 板结构有限元分析实例 21
4.2后处理模块的开发 22
4.2.1 ANSYS的后处理功能 22
4.2.2本系统后处理模块的实现 23
5 结论 27
5.1 本文的主要结论和成果 27
5.2 有待进一步的研究工作 27
致谢 28
参考文献 29
附录A:主窗口部分代码 30
附录B:子窗口部分代码 35