

基于高速凸轮机构的ptm机组电动冲击器设计(本科毕业论文设计),基于高速凸轮机构的ptm机组电动冲击器设计(本科毕业论文设计)摘 要本次设计主要是针对电解铝厂的实际生产而选题的。铝电解槽的加工主要是铝电解多功能天车(ptm)完成的。其中包括对所结碳化壳面的击碎,以保证铝电解过程的顺利进行。目前国内外ptm天车只有两种:液压和气动。由于环境特殊,对液压和气动系统要求较高,价格也相对昂...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布

摘 要


关键词: 铝电解,PTM天车,电动,冲击器,冲


The subject of design is proposed for the actual produce that most aluminum factories face. The manufacture of aluminum electrolytic tank is finished by overhead traveling crane(PTM crane). It includes striking the surface of aluminum going on. At present, there are only two types impacting equipments on PTM crane at home and abroad: hydraulic pressure and air-powered. Because the circumstance is very particular,, it highly requires impinger of hydraulic pressure or air-powered. And the price is very expensive. The design is mainly to design a impinger which is in the form of electric drive. It is required to design a cheap and simple structure impinger which is in the form of electric drive to instead of the production at the moment. Thus, it can save much expense for equipments, reduce the cost and there are very important meanings to improve the economic efficiency.
There are many plans to achieve the impacting functions. This design mainly use cams o lift the hammer, condense the spring, then the hammer achieve the impacting functions by the resultant force of elastic fore and gravity. To the design, I have finished the design of scheme to mechanical movement, the analysis of mechanisms movements and motive power, motive powers calculation, the choice of electric motor and structural design of all devices.

Key words: aluminum electrolytic tank, PTM crane, electric motor, impinger, impact

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
引言 1
1概述 2
1.1毕业设计的目的 2
1.2课题来源 2
2执行机构方案设计 3
3 执行机构及各零部件的设计 4
3.1 弹簧的设计 4
3.2高速凸轮的设计 7
3.3 销轴与滚子的设计 12
4传动方案的设计 16
5电动机的选择 17
6 减速器设计及联轴器设 20
6.1减速器的设计 20
6.2 联轴器的选择 23
6.3 主轴及减速器轴的选择 24
7减振装置的设计 26
8润滑方法和润滑装置的设计 28
总结 31
谢辞 32
参考文献 33
附录:程序 34