可持续发展的农业食品供应链和供应体系(外文翻译),中文:3854字 5页英文:11423字 7页可持续发展的农业食品供应链和供应体系为了统筹全球化,各国都需要使自然资源管理和谐化,并且关注环境,以此来获得更多 的增长和就业机会。这一点在管理食品供应链时尤为重要,因为环境污染和气候变化的确威 胁着农业生产。就营业额、附加值,就业和公司数量方面来说,食品工业是欧洲占主导地...

原文档由会员 果酸 发布中文:3854字 5页
英文:11423字 7页
为了统筹全球化,各国都需要使自然资源管理和谐化,并且关注环境,以此来获得更多 的增长和就业机会。这一点在管理食品供应链时尤为重要,因为环境污染和气候变化的确威 胁着农业生产。
就营业额、附加值,就业和公司数量方面来说,食品工业是欧洲占主导地位的生产部 门。2005 年其营业额是 8360 亿欧元,并且就业人数将近 4 百万。尽管食品工业对我们的生 活和经济有着很重要的影响,但是它主要是由一些小型的公司组成。欧洲的 283000 食品公 司中,超过 99%是中小型企业。正是这些中小型企业创造了该工业几乎一半的食品和饮料的 营业额,并且雇佣了超过 61%的劳动力。
除了要应对环境问题的挑战,食品部门还必须应对与人口(年龄老化、迁徙)和人们生活 方式有关的变化。产业的日益集中(包括食品生产、加工、配送等),也在局部上改变着经 济活动。这还造成了人们向城市迁移以及农村地区的孤立。饮食习惯的改变(高热量、高 饱 和脂肪酸,纤维等的减少)导致越来越多的相关疾病,如:糖尿病、心血管病等。肥胖被世 界卫生组织认为是世界范围内的流行病。肥胖会引起很多的健康问题,导致很高的代价。另 外,包括鱼、海产食品供应在内的食品供应链的扩展导致更多的物流,同时也增加了运输能 源消耗和食品安全的隐患。
Sustainable agri-food supply chains and system
BY Maurizio Mariani
In order to govern globalization, countries need to reconcile natural resource management and concern for the environment with the need to have more growth and employment. This is particularly important in the case of food supply chain management, as environment pollution and climate change do threaten agriculture productivity.
The food industry is the leading manufacturing sector in Europe, in terms of turnover, value added, employment and number of companies. Its turnover was 836 billion euros in 2005 and it employed nearly four million people. Although food industry has a major impact on our lives and economy, it is largely made up of small companies. Of the 283000 food companies in Europe, over 99% are SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). These SMEs generate almost half of the industry’s food and drink turnover and employ over 61% of the workforce.
Besides strong environment challenges, the food sector must face very important changes related to demographics (ageing, migration) and also lifestyles. The increasing concentration of industries, including food production, transformation, distribution also is modifying economical activities at a local level and is responsible of people migrations towards the cities and rural areas alienation. The change of diet habits (more calories, saturated fatty acids, less fibres etcc…) is responsible of increased diet-related diseases such as diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases etc… Obesity is considered by OMS as a true epidemy all over the world, with high costs and large scale health problems. Moreover the extension of food supply chain, including fish and sea food supply chain, with more logistics, energy consumption for transport and risks for food safety.