
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
The subject of this design is for the most Aluminum factories. The manufacture of tunk for dissociating Aluminum is finished by all-purpose overhead traveling crame. It includes striking the carborcizaationg shell to guarantee tunk for dissociating Aluminum finished successfully. At the moment ,there are two impacting equipments on PTM over-head traveling crame in interal and external: lydraulic pressed and air-powered. Because the circument is very particular. The design is mainly to design a imginer which is drived by electric moter tio instead of production at the moment .Thus ,it can save a lot of expense for equipment, reduce the cost and here are very important, meaning to impose the economy benifical result.
To the design, I have finished the design of scheme to mechanical movement, the analysis of mechanism’s movement and motive power , motive power’s calculation, the choice os electric motor and structural design of all devices. The thesis includes six chapters: First、the design and choices of scheme to the executive bodies; Second、the designs of schemes to drive; Third、the designs to the executive bodies and its parts; Fourth、the choice of electric motor; Fifth、the design of reduing gear box; Sixth、the designs of lubricating gear and buffering device. At the end of the thesis, there are still forwords, condusion, and so on.
Key words: crame, impavting equipment, imaginer which drived by electric motor, tunk for dissociating Aluminum
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
目录 Ⅲ
引言 1
1 执行机构方案的设计与选择 2
1.1 课题来源及意义 2
1.2 设计的主要内容及要求 2
1.2.1 主要内容 2
1.2.2 设计的具体要求 2
1.3 设计的主要技术指标 3
1.4 机构的运动方案设计及确定主要的机构形式 3
2 传动方案的设计 5
3 执行机构及其零部件的设计 8
3.1 执行机构的总体设计 8
3.2 弹簧的设计 8
3.2 计算锤头的质量 11
3.4 时域分析 11
3.5 曲柄-连杆机构的设计计算 13
3.5.1 曲柄的设计计算 13
3.5.2 连杆的结构尺寸设计 18
3.6 锤头的设计 20
3.6.1 锤头的时域分析 20
3.6.2 弹簧2的设计 22
4 电动机的选择 25
4.1 电动机的选择依据 25
4.2 电动机的功率计算 25
4.3 选择电动机 27
4.4 电动机校核 27
5 减速装置的设计 28
5.1 级直齿圆锥齿轮的设计计算 28
5.2 轴的设计计算 31
5.2.1 高速轴的设计 32
5.2.2 低速轴的设计 36
6 润滑、密封和减震 39
6.1 润滑机构的设计 39
6.2 密封 42
6.3 缓冲装置的设计 42
附程序 43
总结 46
谢辞 47
参考文献 48