
此文档由会员 genmail 发布
摘 要
According to requirement of the metallurgy industry environment monitor,a duston-line monitor system based on Digital Video Technology is developed,which worksthrough local area net.Have network browses,image analysis,dust density analysisfunction.The main direction of this text is key technical research of dust on-linemonitor system.Put forward using on-line monitor dust exhaust and analytical dustexhaust density based on digital video technology.The system has three traits:First,Use C/S model network to replace the formersystem which worked through got-up watch and phone.Any user who get permit couldoversee different places in workroom.Second,By powerful digital image processingtechnique,the system analysis dust density when needed,so it change the case in whichlog parameter in industrial field occurs.At last,the system has excellent software andhardware supporting surroundings.The monitoring system was designed to deal with the dust exhaust.Design the dustdensity analysis module for dust exhaust.System collected dust images to analyze dustdensity.Thus carry out to exhaust the total amount estimate of to the local dust exhaust.Practically running in Works,the system is stable,credible.The client satisfiedwith system’s real-time net browsing and dust analysis.This article introduce the development status of supervision system and digitalimage processing,describe that how to construct a local area network based onClient/Server model.The focus attention in the article is digital image processingtechnique and how to make a program arithmetic by result of image analysis.The articleshow how to construct the whole software and hardware sub-system.Finally,someworthy studying questions are given.
Key words: monitor system,digital image processing,dust analysis,environmentmonitor
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1烟尘浓度检测的意义 1
1.2烟尘测量技术及其产品开发研制现状 2
1.2.1β射线法 2
1.2.2光学不透明法 3
1.2.3光学散射法 3
1.2.4激光穿透测尘法 4
2 基于图像的环境保护监测系统方案设计 5
2.1系统的总体目标 5
2.2景观监测网络化拓扑结构 5
2.3系统硬件配置 8
2.3.1硬件配置及分布 8
2.3.2项目硬件功能概述 10
2.3.3系统软件配置 11
2.3.4应用软件功能概述 12
3 烟尘图像特征提取 14
3.1图像的采集和传输 14
3.1.1返回参数 15
3.1.2调用函数 15
3.2图像裁剪处理 16
3.2.1图像的灰度化处理 17
3.2.2图像的Gauss滤波处理 17
3.2.3调整图像对比度 18
3.2.4图像的锐化 19
3.2.5图像二值化处理 20
3.2.6图像边缘提取 20
3.3烟尘图像的特征选取 21
3.3.1接收参数 22
3.3.2返回参数 23
3.3.3调用函数 23
4 浓度识别 25
4.1 Bp神经网络简介 25
4.2模型建立 26
4.3 BP网络训练及浓度识别 27
5 结论 29
5.1本文得出的结论 29
5.2存在的问题 29
致谢 31
参考文献 32
According to requirement of the metallurgy industry environment monitor,a duston-line monitor system based on Digital Video Technology is developed,which worksthrough local area net.Have network browses,image analysis,dust density analysisfunction.The main direction of this text is key technical research of dust on-linemonitor system.Put forward using on-line monitor dust exhaust and analytical dustexhaust density based on digital video technology.The system has three traits:First,Use C/S model network to replace the formersystem which worked through got-up watch and phone.Any user who get permit couldoversee different places in workroom.Second,By powerful digital image processingtechnique,the system analysis dust density when needed,so it change the case in whichlog parameter in industrial field occurs.At last,the system has excellent software andhardware supporting surroundings.The monitoring system was designed to deal with the dust exhaust.Design the dustdensity analysis module for dust exhaust.System collected dust images to analyze dustdensity.Thus carry out to exhaust the total amount estimate of to the local dust exhaust.Practically running in Works,the system is stable,credible.The client satisfiedwith system’s real-time net browsing and dust analysis.This article introduce the development status of supervision system and digitalimage processing,describe that how to construct a local area network based onClient/Server model.The focus attention in the article is digital image processingtechnique and how to make a program arithmetic by result of image analysis.The articleshow how to construct the whole software and hardware sub-system.Finally,someworthy studying questions are given.
Key words: monitor system,digital image processing,dust analysis,environmentmonitor
目 录
摘要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1烟尘浓度检测的意义 1
1.2烟尘测量技术及其产品开发研制现状 2
1.2.1β射线法 2
1.2.2光学不透明法 3
1.2.3光学散射法 3
1.2.4激光穿透测尘法 4
2 基于图像的环境保护监测系统方案设计 5
2.1系统的总体目标 5
2.2景观监测网络化拓扑结构 5
2.3系统硬件配置 8
2.3.1硬件配置及分布 8
2.3.2项目硬件功能概述 10
2.3.3系统软件配置 11
2.3.4应用软件功能概述 12
3 烟尘图像特征提取 14
3.1图像的采集和传输 14
3.1.1返回参数 15
3.1.2调用函数 15
3.2图像裁剪处理 16
3.2.1图像的灰度化处理 17
3.2.2图像的Gauss滤波处理 17
3.2.3调整图像对比度 18
3.2.4图像的锐化 19
3.2.5图像二值化处理 20
3.2.6图像边缘提取 20
3.3烟尘图像的特征选取 21
3.3.1接收参数 22
3.3.2返回参数 23
3.3.3调用函数 23
4 浓度识别 25
4.1 Bp神经网络简介 25
4.2模型建立 26
4.3 BP网络训练及浓度识别 27
5 结论 29
5.1本文得出的结论 29
5.2存在的问题 29
致谢 31
参考文献 32