架空索道塔架结构设计及有限元分析(桁架结构)(本科毕业论文设计),目录中文摘要i英文摘要ii1 绪论12 崆峒山索道的概况52.1崆峒山概况52.2客运索道建设的必要性52.3索道建设注意事项52.4崆峒山索道设计依据62.5崆峒山索道型式选择62.6崆峒山索道塔架的选择82.6崆峒山索道的站口设置82.6.1上站房82.6.2下站房92.7崆峒山索道主要技术特性参数92.8索道的主...

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目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1 绪论 1
2 崆峒山索道的概况 5
2.1 崆峒山概况 5
2.2 客运索道建设的必要性 5
2.3 索道建设注意事项 5
2.4 崆峒山索道设计依据 6
2.5 崆峒山索道型式选择 6
2.6 崆峒山索道塔架的选择 8
2.6 崆峒山索道的站口设置 8
2.6.1 上站房 8
2.6.2 下站房 9
2.7 崆峒山索道主要技术特性参数 9
2.8 索道的主要机械设备 10
2.8.1 索道驱动装置 10
2.8.2 索道支架 10
2.8.3 支架鞍座 11
2.8.4 运载吊箱 11
2.8.5 承载绳可测可调装置 11
2.8.6 牵引绳张紧迂回装置 11
3 有限元法分析基本理论 12
3.1 有限元法的基本思想 12
3.2 空间桁架基本理论 14
3.3 空间刚架基本理论 15
3.4 有限元法在空间桁架结构中的的应用 15
3.4.1 空间桁架的结点位移和结点力向量 15
3.4.2 整体刚度方程 16
3.4.3 整体刚度矩阵的集成 17
3.4.4 约束条件的处理 17
3.4.5 结构内力的计算 18
3.5 塔架结构分析 19
4 利用ANSYS进行索道塔架建模 20
4.1 ANSYS简介 20
4.2 ANSYS的分析步骤 21
4.2.1 前处理 21
4.2.2 加载和求解 23
4.2.3 后处理 23
4.3本次设计的建模步骤 23
4.4 索道塔架建模结果 24
5 索道塔架的有限元分析 26
5.1 塔架载荷分析 26
5.1.1 塔架模型受力示意图 26
5.1.2 工况分析 27
5.1.3 风载荷的计算 28
5.1.4 塔身自重的分析 34
5.1.5 鞍架载荷的计算 35
5.1.6 载荷叠加 39
5.2 塔架有限元静力分析 39
5.2.1 塔架材料原始数据 39
5.2.2 有限元分析计算结果 39
5.2.3 塔架有限元分析结论 53
5.3 塔架整体稳定性分析 54
5.3.1 整体塔架的稳定性计算公式 54
5.3.2 整体塔架的载荷计算 57
5.3.3 整体塔架的稳定性计算 58
5.3.4 稳定性分析结论 63
5.4 结论 64
6 总 结 65
参考文献 66
摘 要
With the flouring development of our modernization construction, the aerial telpher also grows up as a new type and convenient transportation method. The pivotal part— telpher towers, their security and stability have important effect on the whole telepherage. So,the designs, calculation and analysis on the intension stiffness stability for the telpher towers are keys to the whole design project. However, in the past decades, the conventional analysis way is straightly applied to the designs and calculation of the aerial telpher. This method can only show the locational stress and displacement, but can not describe the stress, displacement and distribution rules of the whole structure when it is loaded as a whole. At the same time, the safe coefficient has to be considered according to the result of the calculations when designing.
This inevitably makes the structure more redundant than it ought to be.
ANSYS is a kind of business engineering analysis software. It is mainly used in the response of mechanical structure systems loaded by exterior load, such as displacement, stress, temperature and so on. According to the response, we can realize the state of mechanical structure systems when loaded by exterior load, then judge whether it satisfies the requirement of design. ANSYS software is widely used in machine, architecture, electricity, aviation and other fields, and its reliability can be obtained to same degree .This item employs ANSYS software to give the accurate results on stress and displacement both in location and the whole,and then process the stability calculation.
Key words: Finite element analysis ,Telpher towers,
Engineering analysis software
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
1 绪论 1
2 崆峒山索道的概况 5
2.1 崆峒山概况 5
2.2 客运索道建设的必要性 5
2.3 索道建设注意事项 5
2.4 崆峒山索道设计依据 6
2.5 崆峒山索道型式选择 6
2.6 崆峒山索道塔架的选择 8
2.6 崆峒山索道的站口设置 8
2.6.1 上站房 8
2.6.2 下站房 9
2.7 崆峒山索道主要技术特性参数 9
2.8 索道的主要机械设备 10
2.8.1 索道驱动装置 10
2.8.2 索道支架 10
2.8.3 支架鞍座 11
2.8.4 运载吊箱 11
2.8.5 承载绳可测可调装置 11
2.8.6 牵引绳张紧迂回装置 11
3 有限元法分析基本理论 12
3.1 有限元法的基本思想 12
3.2 空间桁架基本理论 14
3.3 空间刚架基本理论 15
3.4 有限元法在空间桁架结构中的的应用 15
3.4.1 空间桁架的结点位移和结点力向量 15
3.4.2 整体刚度方程 16
3.4.3 整体刚度矩阵的集成 17
3.4.4 约束条件的处理 17
3.4.5 结构内力的计算 18
3.5 塔架结构分析 19
4 利用ANSYS进行索道塔架建模 20
4.1 ANSYS简介 20
4.2 ANSYS的分析步骤 21
4.2.1 前处理 21
4.2.2 加载和求解 23
4.2.3 后处理 23
4.3本次设计的建模步骤 23
4.4 索道塔架建模结果 24
5 索道塔架的有限元分析 26
5.1 塔架载荷分析 26
5.1.1 塔架模型受力示意图 26
5.1.2 工况分析 27
5.1.3 风载荷的计算 28
5.1.4 塔身自重的分析 34
5.1.5 鞍架载荷的计算 35
5.1.6 载荷叠加 39
5.2 塔架有限元静力分析 39
5.2.1 塔架材料原始数据 39
5.2.2 有限元分析计算结果 39
5.2.3 塔架有限元分析结论 53
5.3 塔架整体稳定性分析 54
5.3.1 整体塔架的稳定性计算公式 54
5.3.2 整体塔架的载荷计算 57
5.3.3 整体塔架的稳定性计算 58
5.3.4 稳定性分析结论 63
5.4 结论 64
6 总 结 65
参考文献 66
摘 要
With the flouring development of our modernization construction, the aerial telpher also grows up as a new type and convenient transportation method. The pivotal part— telpher towers, their security and stability have important effect on the whole telepherage. So,the designs, calculation and analysis on the intension stiffness stability for the telpher towers are keys to the whole design project. However, in the past decades, the conventional analysis way is straightly applied to the designs and calculation of the aerial telpher. This method can only show the locational stress and displacement, but can not describe the stress, displacement and distribution rules of the whole structure when it is loaded as a whole. At the same time, the safe coefficient has to be considered according to the result of the calculations when designing.
This inevitably makes the structure more redundant than it ought to be.
ANSYS is a kind of business engineering analysis software. It is mainly used in the response of mechanical structure systems loaded by exterior load, such as displacement, stress, temperature and so on. According to the response, we can realize the state of mechanical structure systems when loaded by exterior load, then judge whether it satisfies the requirement of design. ANSYS software is widely used in machine, architecture, electricity, aviation and other fields, and its reliability can be obtained to same degree .This item employs ANSYS software to give the accurate results on stress and displacement both in location and the whole,and then process the stability calculation.
Key words: Finite element analysis ,Telpher towers,
Engineering analysis software