

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


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摘 要

本次毕业设计以轿车的底板纵梁为研究对象。根据给定的三维实体模型,对零件的几何外形和结构进行分析以确定其成形过程中需要的成形方法。然后以冲压工艺手册等大量参考资料为依据,通过计算和分析对成形方法的可行性进行验证。在确定简单工序之后,根据各工序自身特点确定成形次数和工序的复合方式,然后利用三维建模软件UGNX画出每个工步的三维简图,从而合理的表述其工艺流程。最后,利用模具设计2D,3D CAD软件,对模具关键部位进行三维造型,用于模具制造及模具绘图。并且对两个关键工序(切边冲孔和弯曲)进行模具设计,对其模具总装进行计算机绘图。并且拆绘其中的主要零件,确定各零件的材料规格和技术要求。

关键词:板料冲压, 模具设计,冲压工艺分析,轿车底板纵梁


Sheet stamping is the most important plastic working method and it's applied to automobile widely more and more. With the increasingly drastic market competition in automobile industry, it requires not only high production efficiency, but also optimized control on the production process. So the continuous improvement of sheet stamping technique and process has been there search hotspot of sheet forming all along. With the swift and violent development of computer hardware and software, finite element method and computer graphics, the computer aided engineering (CAE) technology based on numerical simulation is widely used in sheet forming field.
The part this paper desinged is the longeron of soleplate on automobile .According to the three-dimensional solid model, the geometric shape and structure of the part was analysis to certain the forming method in the forming process of pars. Then, based on the large amount of reference material, the validation of forming methods was desinged by calculation and analysis .In according with the characteristics of every process, the frequency and manner of composite process can be certained, after determining the single operation. Then, every step of three-dimensional diagram was painted with 3D modeling software UGNX, to express a reasonable representation of its process. Finally, using 2D mold design, 3D CAD software, the mold 3D modeling of the key components can be painted for mold and die manufacturing drawings. And of these two key processes ( curving and shearing together with punching) Mold Design, Die assembly of its computer graphics. And demolition of painting the non-standard components, determine the components of material specifications and technical requirements.
Through this graduation project, in the consolidation of previous knowledge on the basis of stamping technology, tooling design, Die manufacturing and computer-aided design and computer simulation technology, and other aspects of knowledge has been further in-depth study. Die designed to achieve actual use requirements for the successful development of products providing technical assurance.

Key words:Sheet stamping, Die design, Analysis for stamping technology,
Computer aided design, longeron of soleplat

中文摘要 ........Ⅰ
英文摘要 ..Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题目的及内容 4
1.4 课题的意义 5
2成形工艺分析 ..6
2.1冲压成型的基础理论 ...6
2.1.1冲压成形的力学特点与分类 6
2.1.2冲压成形中的变形趋向性及其控制 6
2.2零件成形性分析 8
2.2.1结构及尺寸分析 8
2.2.2工艺性分析 8
3.1常用冲压工艺 .10
3.2备料工序分析 .10
3.3切边冲孔工艺分析 .10
3.4压筋弯曲及其翻边分析 10
3.5 零件方案的初步确.................................................................................10
4.1毛坯尺寸的确定 12
4.2毛坯的排样 13
4.3 各工序冲压工艺力的计算和设备选择 13