冷轧连退机组开卷机强度分析及结构设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要开卷机是冷轧带钢生产线上非常重要的辅助设备,广泛的应用到冷轧的生产线中。轧钢实践表明,开卷机的工作性能的好坏直接影响到成品的质量和整个机组的生产效率的发挥。研究高性能,高强度的深弯辊与压卷辊机是各个厂家的重要任务。本课题来源于与上海宝钢有限公司的科研项目“开卷机的卷筒和心轴的强度和刚度计算”。在传统的设计方法,设...

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摘 要
Pay-off reel are very important auxiliary equipments in cold-rolled strip steel production line, and they are widely used in cold-rolled strip steel production line. Rolling practice shows that work performance of pay-off reel will have a direct impact on the finished product quality and production efficiency of the entire set. Study of high-performance, high-intensity pay-off reel is an important task for all manufacturers.
In the traditional design method, the cause of design is over complex and the speed of design is slow comparatively, and it is easy to make mistakes. Along with the computer technology’s development, computer software technology have also gotten great development. Project structure analysis software is used in production, design, analysis and the development of product. It has become the major method to promote the modern industrial’s competition ability.
The subject comes from the research project of Chongqing University and
Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Ltd, " strength and stiffness calculation of reel and mandrel of pay-off reel ".
This paper designs the deep-bending and press roll according to the relevant data from Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Ltd. According to the technical parameters and the mechanical parameters providing by the project, we have to consulted much information, it determines the transmission methods and the structure;choice and design the motor institution,
it introduces the main use of FEM in metallurgical industry, it uses the FEM to analyse the reel shaft,Finally, we drew the system assembly drawing and the part drawing.
Keywords: pay-off reel, motor, reel shaft ,FEM
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 轧钢机的发展 1
1.1.1 初轧机的发展 1
1.1.2 带钢连轧机的发展 1
1.1.3 钢管轧机的发展 2
1.1.4 型钢轧机的发展 2
1.2 轧钢技术发展前景 2
1.2.1 铸轧一体化 2
1.2.2 轧制过程清洁化 2
1.2.3 轧制过程柔性化 3
1.2.4 高新技术的应用 3
1.2.5 钢材的延伸加工 3
1.3 我国轧钢生产技术面临的问题与挑战 3
1.3.1 工艺技术装备总体落后 3
1.3.2 品种结构调整尚未能满足我国国民经济发展的需求 4
1.3.3 成本竞争激烈 4
1.3.4 技术落后 4
1.4 课题任务、重点研究内容、实现途径 4
2 国外冷轧带钢连续退火处理机组 5
2.1 连续退火处理机组概况 5
2.2 新的发展 6
2.3 本章小结 7
3 开卷机概述 8
3.1 开卷机分类 8
3.1.1 双锥头式开卷机 8
3.1.2 双柱头式开卷机 8
3.1.3 悬臂式开卷机 9
3.2 开卷机优缺点比较 9
3.3 开卷机的功能与发展 10
3.4 本章小结 10
4 开卷机结构设计 11
4.1 卷筒 13
4.2 开卷机张力的确定与形成 14
4.3 开卷机对中调节 15
4.4 本章小结 15
5 开卷机设计计算 16
5.1 技术条件 16
5.1.1 年工作时间 16
5.1.2 带钢的速度和加速度 16
5.1.3 带钢规格 16
5.1.4 钢卷直径和卷重 16
5.1.5 开卷张力 16
5.1.6 卷筒装配自重 16
5.1.7 卷筒支承(包括外支承)结构/轴承距离 16
5.2 压辊压紧力计算 18
5.3 卷筒径向压力计算 20
5.4 开卷机电机的确定 20
5.4.1 电机功率的计算 20
5.4.2 电机转速的确定 22
5.4.3 开卷机电动机的转矩 23
5.5 本章小结 24
6 开卷机传动方式及减速机齿轮设计计算 25
6.1 开卷机传动形式 25
6.2 减速机齿轮设计计算 26
6.2.1 分度圆直径 26
6.2.2 齿顶圆直径 26
6.2.3 齿根圆 27
6.2.4 中心距 27
6.2.5 传动比 27
6.3 本章小结 27
7 开卷机的卷筒轴有限元计算分析 28
7.1 有限元概述 28
7.1.1 有限单元法概述 28
7.1.2 有限单元法在冶金设备中应用 29
7.2 卷筒轴有限元计算分析 30
7.2.1 模型的建立与处理 30
7.2.2 有限元网格的划分与材料属性处理 30
7.2.3 载荷的处理与施加 31
7.2.4 约束的处理与施加 32
7.2.5 对模型进行有限元计算分析 32
7.2.6 卷筒轴变形和应力图 34
7.3 本章小结 39
8 结 论 40
参考文献 41
Pay-off reel are very important auxiliary equipments in cold-rolled strip steel production line, and they are widely used in cold-rolled strip steel production line. Rolling practice shows that work performance of pay-off reel will have a direct impact on the finished product quality and production efficiency of the entire set. Study of high-performance, high-intensity pay-off reel is an important task for all manufacturers.
In the traditional design method, the cause of design is over complex and the speed of design is slow comparatively, and it is easy to make mistakes. Along with the computer technology’s development, computer software technology have also gotten great development. Project structure analysis software is used in production, design, analysis and the development of product. It has become the major method to promote the modern industrial’s competition ability.
The subject comes from the research project of Chongqing University and
Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Ltd, " strength and stiffness calculation of reel and mandrel of pay-off reel ".
This paper designs the deep-bending and press roll according to the relevant data from Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Ltd. According to the technical parameters and the mechanical parameters providing by the project, we have to consulted much information, it determines the transmission methods and the structure;choice and design the motor institution,
it introduces the main use of FEM in metallurgical industry, it uses the FEM to analyse the reel shaft,Finally, we drew the system assembly drawing and the part drawing.
Keywords: pay-off reel, motor, reel shaft ,FEM
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 轧钢机的发展 1
1.1.1 初轧机的发展 1
1.1.2 带钢连轧机的发展 1
1.1.3 钢管轧机的发展 2
1.1.4 型钢轧机的发展 2
1.2 轧钢技术发展前景 2
1.2.1 铸轧一体化 2
1.2.2 轧制过程清洁化 2
1.2.3 轧制过程柔性化 3
1.2.4 高新技术的应用 3
1.2.5 钢材的延伸加工 3
1.3 我国轧钢生产技术面临的问题与挑战 3
1.3.1 工艺技术装备总体落后 3
1.3.2 品种结构调整尚未能满足我国国民经济发展的需求 4
1.3.3 成本竞争激烈 4
1.3.4 技术落后 4
1.4 课题任务、重点研究内容、实现途径 4
2 国外冷轧带钢连续退火处理机组 5
2.1 连续退火处理机组概况 5
2.2 新的发展 6
2.3 本章小结 7
3 开卷机概述 8
3.1 开卷机分类 8
3.1.1 双锥头式开卷机 8
3.1.2 双柱头式开卷机 8
3.1.3 悬臂式开卷机 9
3.2 开卷机优缺点比较 9
3.3 开卷机的功能与发展 10
3.4 本章小结 10
4 开卷机结构设计 11
4.1 卷筒 13
4.2 开卷机张力的确定与形成 14
4.3 开卷机对中调节 15
4.4 本章小结 15
5 开卷机设计计算 16
5.1 技术条件 16
5.1.1 年工作时间 16
5.1.2 带钢的速度和加速度 16
5.1.3 带钢规格 16
5.1.4 钢卷直径和卷重 16
5.1.5 开卷张力 16
5.1.6 卷筒装配自重 16
5.1.7 卷筒支承(包括外支承)结构/轴承距离 16
5.2 压辊压紧力计算 18
5.3 卷筒径向压力计算 20
5.4 开卷机电机的确定 20
5.4.1 电机功率的计算 20
5.4.2 电机转速的确定 22
5.4.3 开卷机电动机的转矩 23
5.5 本章小结 24
6 开卷机传动方式及减速机齿轮设计计算 25
6.1 开卷机传动形式 25
6.2 减速机齿轮设计计算 26
6.2.1 分度圆直径 26
6.2.2 齿顶圆直径 26
6.2.3 齿根圆 27
6.2.4 中心距 27
6.2.5 传动比 27
6.3 本章小结 27
7 开卷机的卷筒轴有限元计算分析 28
7.1 有限元概述 28
7.1.1 有限单元法概述 28
7.1.2 有限单元法在冶金设备中应用 29
7.2 卷筒轴有限元计算分析 30
7.2.1 模型的建立与处理 30
7.2.2 有限元网格的划分与材料属性处理 30
7.2.3 载荷的处理与施加 31
7.2.4 约束的处理与施加 32
7.2.5 对模型进行有限元计算分析 32
7.2.6 卷筒轴变形和应力图 34
7.3 本章小结 39
8 结 论 40
参考文献 41