立方氮化硼超硬刀具刃磨装置设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘要 cbn刀具材料应用十分广泛,它具有高硬度、高耐磨性、高耐热性以及与铁族材料亲和力不强等优点。但是,cbn的高硬度、高耐磨性又使刀具的刃磨相当困难,所以cbn刀具的刃磨工艺性已成为其推广应用的障碍之一。因此,研磨技术是制约cbn刀具发展的关键技术之一本设计以cbn超硬刀片研磨装置为研究对象,论述了cbn的组成、特点...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布
摘 要
关键词:CBN PCBN 研磨
CBN cutlery material very broad application, it has high hardness and high resistance to abrasion, and high heat of the iron does not have a strong ethnic affinity material advantage. However, CBN high hardness and high resistance to abrasion and cutlery for the Renmo quite difficult, so the CBN cutlery Renmo processes for the promotion of applications has become one of the obstacles.Therefore,equipment and technology are the key to the development of technical constraints CBN cutlery one frame razor blades CBN grinding machanical devices to study the level of development of industrial technology has important theoretical and practical significance.
CBN frame razor blades in the design study for the installation of equipment,with the CBN composition and characteristics of PCBN history,status,and trends,as well as CBN grinding hardened razor blades device structures.
Razor blades through the CBN and CBN grinding device features frame analysis,identifying programe design CBN frame razor blades grinding devices mechanical systems,including the movement system and into the campaign system.The design specifications include the movement system and into the system.The design specifications include the Movement system and into the system design related to the calculation of the Movement,as well as CBN grinding hardened razor blades device important components degree who checked.
Keyword:CBN PCBN grinding
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
2 问题的提出 2
2.1 课题的目的 2
2.2 课题的意义 2
2.2.1 立方氮化硼刀具的研磨 3
2.3 课题任务 4
2.4 课题重点研究内容 4
3 方案的确定 5
3.1 主运动机构和进给运动机构的实现途径 5
3.2 立方氮化硼超硬刀片研磨装置设计方案的确定 5
4 设计计算 7
4.1 选择电动机 7
4.1.1 选择电动机的类型和结构形式 7
4.2 确定传动装置的总传动比并分配各级传动比 8
4.2.1 确定传动装置的总传动比 8
4.2.2 分配传动装置的传动比 9
4.2.3 传动装置的运动及动力参数计算 9
4.3 闭式普通圆柱蜗杆传动设计 9
4.3.1 选用材料及热处理方式 10
4.3.2 确定蜗杆头数Z1和蜗轮齿数Z2 10
4.3.3 按齿面接触强度确定主要参数(由式10-11) 10
4.3.4 验算蜗轮圆周速度V2,相对滑动速度Vs及总效率η 11
4.3.5 验算蜗轮齿根弯曲强度(由式10-12) 11
4.3.6 热平衡计算略(因不是连续工作) 12
4.3.7 主要几何参数 12
4.4 直齿圆锥齿轮传动的强度设计 12
4.4.1 齿面接触疲劳强度计算 12
4.4.2 齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算 14
4.5 轴的设计 15
4.6 凸轮设计 16
5 结构设计 17
5.1 主轴和主轴部件的设计 17
5.2 其它轴及轴部件 17
5.3 箱体的设计 17
5.4 凸轮的设计 18
5.5燕尾槽导轨的设计 18
6 设计过程中值得改进之处 20
7 总结 21
参 考 文 献 22
关键词:CBN PCBN 研磨
CBN cutlery material very broad application, it has high hardness and high resistance to abrasion, and high heat of the iron does not have a strong ethnic affinity material advantage. However, CBN high hardness and high resistance to abrasion and cutlery for the Renmo quite difficult, so the CBN cutlery Renmo processes for the promotion of applications has become one of the obstacles.Therefore,equipment and technology are the key to the development of technical constraints CBN cutlery one frame razor blades CBN grinding machanical devices to study the level of development of industrial technology has important theoretical and practical significance.
CBN frame razor blades in the design study for the installation of equipment,with the CBN composition and characteristics of PCBN history,status,and trends,as well as CBN grinding hardened razor blades device structures.
Razor blades through the CBN and CBN grinding device features frame analysis,identifying programe design CBN frame razor blades grinding devices mechanical systems,including the movement system and into the campaign system.The design specifications include the movement system and into the system.The design specifications include the Movement system and into the system design related to the calculation of the Movement,as well as CBN grinding hardened razor blades device important components degree who checked.
Keyword:CBN PCBN grinding
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
2 问题的提出 2
2.1 课题的目的 2
2.2 课题的意义 2
2.2.1 立方氮化硼刀具的研磨 3
2.3 课题任务 4
2.4 课题重点研究内容 4
3 方案的确定 5
3.1 主运动机构和进给运动机构的实现途径 5
3.2 立方氮化硼超硬刀片研磨装置设计方案的确定 5
4 设计计算 7
4.1 选择电动机 7
4.1.1 选择电动机的类型和结构形式 7
4.2 确定传动装置的总传动比并分配各级传动比 8
4.2.1 确定传动装置的总传动比 8
4.2.2 分配传动装置的传动比 9
4.2.3 传动装置的运动及动力参数计算 9
4.3 闭式普通圆柱蜗杆传动设计 9
4.3.1 选用材料及热处理方式 10
4.3.2 确定蜗杆头数Z1和蜗轮齿数Z2 10
4.3.3 按齿面接触强度确定主要参数(由式10-11) 10
4.3.4 验算蜗轮圆周速度V2,相对滑动速度Vs及总效率η 11
4.3.5 验算蜗轮齿根弯曲强度(由式10-12) 11
4.3.6 热平衡计算略(因不是连续工作) 12
4.3.7 主要几何参数 12
4.4 直齿圆锥齿轮传动的强度设计 12
4.4.1 齿面接触疲劳强度计算 12
4.4.2 齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算 14
4.5 轴的设计 15
4.6 凸轮设计 16
5 结构设计 17
5.1 主轴和主轴部件的设计 17
5.2 其它轴及轴部件 17
5.3 箱体的设计 17
5.4 凸轮的设计 18
5.5燕尾槽导轨的设计 18
6 设计过程中值得改进之处 20
7 总结 21
参 考 文 献 22