

连杆的加工工艺及其断面铣夹具三维造型设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘要 连杆是汽车的心脏部分——发动机的关键零部件之一,它的运用极为广泛,不仅在汽车行业中运用广泛,也在摩托车等行业中运用广泛。国内外对连杆的研究如火如荼,连杆的需求数量和品质要求都越来越高,因此研究连杆加工工艺具有十分重要的意义。本设计的主要内容包括连杆制造的工艺规程的制定,端面铣夹具的设计。在设计阶段,需要查阅许多不...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要




The connecting rod is the heart of auto, and it is one of the most important parts of the engine. It’s used wildly not only in the automotive industry, but also in the motorcycles industry. Now, the study of the connecting rod both in China and abroad is developing quickly, the amount of the connecting rod is becoming larger and larger, their quality requirements are also increasingly demanding. So, the research of the connecting rod’s technology processing is of great significance.
The design of the main content includes making mill sheet designing the fixture of mill on plane. During the stage of design, lots of dates need to be fond in different kinds of books, and we need to compare them and find out the right formula, so that we can formulate the most appropriate method of connecting rod manufacturing process, and get the fixture of mill on plane. Although the processing of connecting rod is not so complicated, the demand of its texture, shape and its precision always brings the machining a lot of difficulties. In the process of making machining process, we make two ways first, and compare them, and then comprehensive application both ways, at last we make out one best method for the processing technology of connecting rod. In the processing technology, it is necessary to design the Special Fixture for the machining, so as to raise production efficiency and get a better economic return.

Key words: Connecting rod, processing technology, fixture, design

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
目录 Ⅲ
绪论 V
1 对零件的分析 1
1.1 零件的作用和结构特点 1
1.1.1 零件的作用 1
1.1.2 零件的结构特点 1
1.2 零件的结构工艺性 1
1.3 零件关键表面的技术要求分析 2
1.4 零件的工艺分析 2
2 选择毛坯 5
2.1 确定零件生产类型 5
2.2 毛坯选择和制造形式 5
2.3 确定零件毛坯外形机械加工余量及毛坯尺寸,设计毛坯——零件综合图 5
2.3.1 各加工余量的确定 5
2.3.2 加工余量的计算 6
3 工艺规程设计 8
3.1 定位基准的选择 5
3.2 零件表面加工方法的选择 5
3.2.1 平面加工 5
3.2.2 孔的加工 5
3.2.3 斜槽的加工 9
3.3 制定工艺路线 5
3.4选择切削用量、确定时间定额 12
3.4.1 磨削工序计算 12
3.4.2 铣削工序计算 14
3.4.3 钻孔工序计算 14
3.4.4 镗孔工序计算 18
3.5 填写机械加工工艺规程何机械加工工序卡片 19
4 机床夹具定位夹紧方案设计 20
4.1 拟定夹具的结构方案 20
4.2 确定工件的定位方案 20
4.3 确定工件的夹紧方式计算加紧力 20
4.4 确定刀具的导向方式或对刀装置 21
5 设计小结 22
参考文献 23