
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
本文介绍了研究了CAPP的概念,基本原理、国内外研究现状和发展趋势;然后结合企业调研情况,阐述了课题的主要研究内容和意义;并针对零件制造车间工艺的需求,对车间制造过程的CAPP系统进行了总体设计;在此基础上,使用Visual FoxPro为开发工具,完成了一个面向零件制造车间的简易的CAPP系统的开发;最后进行了实例验证。
Process design is an important component in the enterprise management. The quality of the process design directly affects its production level. In order to enhance market competitiveness, it is necessary to change the traditional manual process design and outdated management mode. After investigating and analyzing the development trend of manufacturing, and research status and development trend of CAPP, the thesis analyzes the features of process design, finally a workshop’s Manufacturing Process is developed.
This thesis describes the concepts of CAPP, basic working principle, status, and development trend. Combined with investigation of the enterprise, the relevant contents and goals of the project are put forward. Considering the needs of CAPP in workshop manufacturing process, one CAPP design about workshop’s Manufacturing Process is provided. On the basis, Visual FoxPro, as a development tool, is used to implement the simple CAPP software system research. At last some Example certifications are provided.
Key words: CAPP, Computer Aided Process Planning, Process design
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1CAPP概述 1
1.2CAPP的设计方法 2
1.3CAPP的研究现状及发展趋势 3
1.3.1CAPP的研究现状 3
1.3.2CAPP的发展趋势 4
1.4工艺设计存在的问题及本课题的研究目标 5
2 系统方案设计 7
2.1系统需要实现的功能要求 7
2.2数据库设计 8
2.3系统功能模块设计 9
3 系统设计与开发 11
3.1工艺数据库的开发 11
3.1.1需求分析 12
3.1.2概念结构设计 12
3.1.3逻辑结构设计 15
3.2登录界面及主界面设计 18
3.2.1登录界面设计 18
3.2.2系统主界面设计 20
3.3功能模块设计 22
3.3.1查询模块设计 22
3.3.2维护模块设计 28
4实例验证 38
4.1查询功能验证 38
4.1.1工艺信息查询验证 38
4.1.2零件信息查询实例 38
4.1.3机床信息查询实例 39
4.2维护功能验证 40
4.2.1工艺信息维护实例 40
4.2.2零件信息维护实例 41
5结论 42
致谢 43
参考文献 44