此文档由会员 genmail 发布
摘 要
Rolling mill is turning the materials that heated (or cold rolling) to steel products which are useful through the mill rolling. It is more important to increase the mechanics performance of the steels than to shape it. With the help of the coordinate heat treatment and the deformation strengthens, rolling-mill becomes an important path to enhances the steel and iron performance.
This article introduced the produce of rolling steels, rolling steel machinery, cold and hot rolling strip steels, the type and respective characteristic of the six-roller rolling-mill and the development of cold rolling-mill, and the theory of roller has carried on showing. By introducing the structure of six-roller mill, elaborated the principle of the working roll, the middle roller and the support roll. The point is according to the condition to choose the material of roller and to design its configuration and size, and check of the intensity, the contact stress, the amount of deflection to prove the correctness of the design. The assembly diagram of roller system and detail drawing of every roller are designed by using AUTOCAD. Introducing the characteristic and application of SolidWorks, the three-dimensional model of the six-roller mill roller and the working roll structure has established in the SolidWorks platform, thus completed the three dimensional assembly model of the working roll.
Key words: rolling-mill, rolling, roller, cold rolling
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 轧钢机械及轧钢生产概述 1
1.1.1轧钢生产 2
1.1.2 轧钢机械 2
1.2 轧钢机的分类 2
1.2.1 按轧辊在机座中的布置分类 5
1.2.2按轧钢机械的布置形式分类 6
1.3 轧钢机械及轧钢技术发展概况 6
1.3.1 初轧机的发展概况 6
1.3.2 热轧宽带钢轧机及生产技术 7
1.3.3冷轧宽带钢及生产技术 8
1.3.4 钢管轧机的发展概况 8
1.3.5 线材轧机的发展概况 8
1.4 六辊轧机的结构介绍 9
1.5 本文的主要研究内容 10
2 轧辊的相关介绍 10
2.1 轧辊的类型与结构 10
2.1.1 机架装配 10
2.1.2 工作辊 11
2.1.3 工作辊弯辊 11
2.1.4 中间辊 11
2.1.5 中间辊横移及弯辊 12
2.1.6 支承辊辊系及平衡 12
2.1.7 轧制标高及调整装置 12
2.2 轧辊的尺寸参数 12
2.2.1 轧辊名义直径D和辊身长度L的确定 12
2.2.2 轧辊辊颈尺寸d和l的确定 13
2.3 轧辊的材料和辊面硬度 13
2.3.1 常用的轧辊材料 13
2.3.2 轧辊材料的选择和辊面硬度 14
3 轧辊的设计 16
3.1 轧制原理 16
3.2 工作辊尺寸初选 16
3.3 支承辊尺寸初选 16
3.4 中间辊尺寸初选 17
3.5 初选结果 17
3.6 轧辊的选材 17
3.7轧辊的强度校核 20
3.8 轧辊间的接触应力校核 23
3.9 轧辊的挠度计算 26
3.10 结论 26
3.11 棍子平面简图 28
4轧机组件三维建模及轧制原理的三维图解 28
4.1 三维建模Solid Works软件平台介绍 28
4.2 工作辊的三维实体图 29
结语 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
Rolling mill is turning the materials that heated (or cold rolling) to steel products which are useful through the mill rolling. It is more important to increase the mechanics performance of the steels than to shape it. With the help of the coordinate heat treatment and the deformation strengthens, rolling-mill becomes an important path to enhances the steel and iron performance.
This article introduced the produce of rolling steels, rolling steel machinery, cold and hot rolling strip steels, the type and respective characteristic of the six-roller rolling-mill and the development of cold rolling-mill, and the theory of roller has carried on showing. By introducing the structure of six-roller mill, elaborated the principle of the working roll, the middle roller and the support roll. The point is according to the condition to choose the material of roller and to design its configuration and size, and check of the intensity, the contact stress, the amount of deflection to prove the correctness of the design. The assembly diagram of roller system and detail drawing of every roller are designed by using AUTOCAD. Introducing the characteristic and application of SolidWorks, the three-dimensional model of the six-roller mill roller and the working roll structure has established in the SolidWorks platform, thus completed the three dimensional assembly model of the working roll.
Key words: rolling-mill, rolling, roller, cold rolling
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 轧钢机械及轧钢生产概述 1
1.1.1轧钢生产 2
1.1.2 轧钢机械 2
1.2 轧钢机的分类 2
1.2.1 按轧辊在机座中的布置分类 5
1.2.2按轧钢机械的布置形式分类 6
1.3 轧钢机械及轧钢技术发展概况 6
1.3.1 初轧机的发展概况 6
1.3.2 热轧宽带钢轧机及生产技术 7
1.3.3冷轧宽带钢及生产技术 8
1.3.4 钢管轧机的发展概况 8
1.3.5 线材轧机的发展概况 8
1.4 六辊轧机的结构介绍 9
1.5 本文的主要研究内容 10
2 轧辊的相关介绍 10
2.1 轧辊的类型与结构 10
2.1.1 机架装配 10
2.1.2 工作辊 11
2.1.3 工作辊弯辊 11
2.1.4 中间辊 11
2.1.5 中间辊横移及弯辊 12
2.1.6 支承辊辊系及平衡 12
2.1.7 轧制标高及调整装置 12
2.2 轧辊的尺寸参数 12
2.2.1 轧辊名义直径D和辊身长度L的确定 12
2.2.2 轧辊辊颈尺寸d和l的确定 13
2.3 轧辊的材料和辊面硬度 13
2.3.1 常用的轧辊材料 13
2.3.2 轧辊材料的选择和辊面硬度 14
3 轧辊的设计 16
3.1 轧制原理 16
3.2 工作辊尺寸初选 16
3.3 支承辊尺寸初选 16
3.4 中间辊尺寸初选 17
3.5 初选结果 17
3.6 轧辊的选材 17
3.7轧辊的强度校核 20
3.8 轧辊间的接触应力校核 23
3.9 轧辊的挠度计算 26
3.10 结论 26
3.11 棍子平面简图 28
4轧机组件三维建模及轧制原理的三维图解 28
4.1 三维建模Solid Works软件平台介绍 28
4.2 工作辊的三维实体图 29
结语 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34