此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
In the group of six degrees of freedom robots,the articulated robot is be cared by designer and user for its broad work range,flexible movement,compact structure,catching the object near the machine plinth.The six degrees of freedom articulated robot the article designed can be used not only in the practical production but also in the teaching and science research.It can carry out the point-to-point control,as well as continuous path control in the practical production.The users and the third party can comprehend the composition and run theory of robot and can further study in the teaching and science research.So the article’s study has broad factual meaning and application prospects.The article studies correlative key technologies to fulfill the robot requirement in operation contents flexibility.
After demonstrating the feasibility of robot mechanics,the article have designed the robot’s entity structure with SolidWorks and Auto CAD and otherwise software from the matter of fact,analysed the robot’s motion with D-H methodology,planed the robot motion path detailedly with the method of joint space and method of Descartes space. The author has performed the further research and analysis for robots, which focuses on describing the design of control system of the machine. NC system is the centralization of the whole control system; Axes can be operated coordinately and uniformly so as to realize electric control.
Key words:Robot, Mechanic Design, Kinematics, Trajectory planning, Electric Control
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 国内外机器人研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外机器人研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内机器人研究现状 2
1.2.3机器人运动学系统研究现状 3
1.2.4机器人轨迹规划研究的现状与意义 3
1.3 本文研究的意义及主要内容 4
1.3.1 本文研究目的和意义 4
1.3.2本文主要研究内容和工作 5
2 机器人本体结构设计 6
2.1 机器人机械设计的特点 6
2.2 与机器人有关的概念 6
2.3 机器人的工作要求 7
2.4 机器人结构方案设计 8
2.4.1 机器人手臂设计 8
2.4.2 机器人手腕设计 11
2.4.3 机器人整体构型 12
2.4.4 机器人整体模型图 13
2.5 机器人驱动方案的对比分析及选择 13
2.6 机器人力矩及惯量匹配核算 14
2.6.1 (摆头及转腕) 力矩及惯量匹配核算 14
2.6.2 (转头)力矩及惯量匹配核算 16
2.6.3 (小臂)力矩及惯量匹配核算 16
2.6.4 (大臂)力矩及惯量匹配核算 18
2.6.5 (转盘)力矩及惯量匹配核算 19
2.7 本章小结 21
3 机器人运动学分析及其轨迹规划 22
3.1 机器人运动学分析 22
3.1.1 概述 22
3.1.2 连杆参数和连杆坐标系 23
3.1.3运动学正解 24
3.1.4 运动学逆解 26
3.2 机器人轨迹规划 29
3.2.1 概述 29
3.2.2 机器人轨迹规划方法 30
3.3 本章小结 34
4 机器人的电气设计 35
4.1 机器人数控系统的选择 35
4.1.1 “世纪星”HNC21-MD数控系统CNC工作原理 36
4.1.2 “世纪星”HNC-21数控装置接口功能 37
4.2 机器人伺服系统设计 38
4.2.1 交流伺服系统的基本工作原理 38
4.2.2 交流伺服电机及传动系统 39
4.3 机器人强电回路电气设计及选型 40
4.3.1常用电器元件的选择 40
4.3.2 强电回路电气原理图的设计 42
5 全文总结 43
5.1本文取得的结果 43
5.2 存在的问题和改进意见 43
致 谢 44
参 考 文 献 45
附录 46