

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要




With the development of computer technology, CAD technology has become a product design personnel to carry out research and development of important tools. But there are still various reasons due to some products, their first describe is not computer-aided design (CAD) model. What designers face is still real objects. They access digital model from this kind of physical parts to conduct a follow-up treatment, and imitation or transformation these parts. At present, this kind of technologies which access products’ mathematical model from physical model, has developed into a relatively independent areas in CAD/CAM system, which is called "Reverse engineering" (RE).
First, this paper introduction basic concepts and principles of Reverse engineering, to contrast Positive engineering and Reverse engineering’s work processes, Show the superiority of reverse engineering of the production process. And introduced concise the equipment and the implementation of key technologies of RE. And discussed the existing problems in the process of reverse engineering; And then systematically introduced contact and non-contact method of measurement data of reverse engineering; then also described in detail the sort and vector data, data pieced together in multi-view, feature extraction, data block, and other data-processing methods.
Finally, through a example of the reverse engineering Digital Design for Up Dos Shell of Air conditioning on U.S. Recreational Vehicle, detailed introduced to the use of ATOS optical scanning system for data collection,data processing; and model reconstruction process in UG Software.

Keywords:Reverse engineering, Data collection, Data processing,
Model reconstruction

目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 逆向工程概述 1
1.2.1 逆向工程的定义 1
1.2.2 逆向工程的设计流程 2
1.2.3 逆向工程的应用 2
1.2.4 逆向工程技术在国内外研究状况 3
1.2.5 逆向工程实施条件 4
1.2.6 逆向工程技术中注意的问题 5
2 数据采集 6
2.1 接触式测量方法 6
2.2 非接触式测量方法 7
2.2.1 激光三角法 8
2.2.2 光栅投影法 8
2.3 测量时应注意的问题 9
2.4 本章小结 10
3 数据处理 11
3.1 扫描数据分析 11
3.2 数据处理简介 12
3.2.1 数据处理技术 13
3.2.2 数据的排序及矢量化 15
3.2.3 数据多视图拼合技术 15
3.2.4 特征提取技术 16
3.2.5 数据分块技术 17
3.3 本章小结 17
4 模型重建 18
4.1 逆向工程中曲面造型技术 18
4.1.1 三角Bezier曲面重构 18
4.1.2 一般B样条或NURBS曲面重构 19
4.2 UG三维软件简介 19
4.3 UG的特点 20
4.4 UG的主要功能 21
4.5 本章小结 22
5 上外壳零件建模 23
5.1产品数据采集过程 23
5.2 模型重建 25
5.3 本章小结 30
6 结论 31
致谢 32
参考文献 33