
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘要
Oil consumption reduction and performance enhancement have become the development trend of the machine. In comparison with most widely used aluminum alloys and steels, magnesium alloys are the lightest commercialized metallic material for structural applications. Mg alloys possess the attractive properties desired by a lot of machines, such as low density, low cost, higher specific strength, good casting properties, out-standing damping capability.
The manufacture process of Mg alloy is various, major represented by casting, extrusion and forging. The casting of Mg alloy has some defaults, such as the structure is sparse, partial divide easy to cause hot crack and cause oxidation peel, not suitable for the samples function which is strictly required. However, by extrusion and forging process to produce magnesium alloy products has more power and hardness than the casting materials, and it also has better scalability and more diversified mechanical properties to meet the more demand of the structure.
Subject to the Mg alloy extrusion - forging complex process based on numerical simulation, and other means of a magnesium alloy tensile specimen in a closed molding process in the flow of metal, and in accordance with the results of the simulation process and die design molded And then proceed to the tensile specimens molded magnesium alloy forming, molding a tensile test specimen, comparative analysis of the sample of magnesium alloy AZ61-cast, squeeze, squeeze - forging performance before and after the change.
Key words: magnesium alloy, die design,numerical simulation,tensile test
目 录
中文摘要 .Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 镁合金的优点 1
1.3 镁合金的应用 3
1.4 镁合金塑性成形技术现状及发展趋势 4
1.4.1镁合金挤压与轧制技术 4
1.4.2 镁合金热锻成形技术 4
1.5 本课题研究的主要内容和目的 5
2 数值模拟 6
2.1 引言 6
2.2 Deform简介 7
2.3 DEFORM的功能 7
2.4 数值模拟过程 8
2.5 模拟结果及分析 9
3拉伸试样模具设计与制造 13
3.1工艺对比 13
3.2 坯料的设计及生产 14
3.3 锻件图的设计 15
3.4 模具设计 16
3.4.1 计算各部分的工艺参数 16
3.4.2 毛坯在模具中的位置 17
3.4.3 凹模的设计 17
3.4.4 模具总体设计及UG模型 18
3.4.5 加热装置的设置 21
3.4.6 选择吨位装备 22
4 拉伸实验 23
4.1 序言 23
4.2 实验材料及方法 23
4.1.1 实验材料 23
4.1.2 实验设备 23
4.3 断裂的基本概念及分类 24
4.4 实验结果及分析 25
5 结论 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31