此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
Optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used to analyze the microstructure and defect of wrought AZ61magnesium alloy joint welded by ND:YAG pulse laser. The results show that defect-free welding seam of the AZ61magnesium alloy can be achieved by use of pulse laser welding and the welding heat input influenced the microstructure and the defect distribution of alloy joint greatly.
The experiments show that the width of the heat affect zone (HAZ) was narrow when the heat input was low while it increased with the increase of heat input. Layer-like segregations were presented in the weld seam. In addition, hot cracks and pores were formed in the weld seam. The presence of hot cracks almost in every weld seam indicated hot cracks were easy to form in AZ61magnesium alloy joint during pulse laser welding. The number of the hydrogen pores, which is the major pore formed in alloy joint, reduced with the increase of heat input in pulse laser welding. The best alloy joint with most few defects was obtained when the heat input of pulse laser welding about 87 J/mm.
Key words: magnesium alloy, laser welding, microstructure
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1镁及镁合金性能与应用前景 1
1.2 镁合金加工(成型)技术的现状与发展 3
1.3 激光技术及激光焊接 5
1.4 激光焊接技术发展趋势和展望 6
2 实验 9
2.1 实验材料 9
2.2 实验设备 9
2.3 实验原理 11
2.3.1 激光焊接原理 11
2.3.2 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及工作原理 13
2.4 实验工艺及样品的制备 14
2.4.1 实验工艺 14
2.4.2 样品的制备 15
3 实验结果的分析及讨论 16
3.1激光焊接焊缝成型分析 16
3.1.1 焊接接头的宏观结构 16
3.1.2 焊接接头的微观组织 17
3.1.3 线能量对微观组织的影响 19
3.2激光焊接焊缝微观组织缺陷分析 20
3.2.1 气孔 22
3.2.2 裂纹 23
3.2.3 元素损耗 24
3.2.4 层状偏析 25
3.3关于缺陷的预防的讨论 25
4 结论 28
参考文献 29