镁合金轮毂挤压铸造工艺虚拟现实及模具优化设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要采用挤压铸造代替压力铸造生产汽车轮毂,不仅克服了压铸件内部容易形成气孔和氧化夹杂的缺陷,而且提高了成品率及材料利用率。本文介绍了镁合金轮毂挤压铸造原理,分析了挤压铸造的工艺参数及选择依据.并在对轮毂进行研究和结构再设计结果的基础上,运用anycasting铸造过程仿真软件对轮毂挤压铸造充型和凝固过程进行数值模拟,...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
With squeeze casting instead of pressure die casting to produce magnesium alloy wheel could not only eliminate processing defects, such as entrapped air, inclusion in die casting, but also increase productivity and the utilization rate of poured melt. This study introduced the squeeze casting principle of the magnesium alloy wheel for autos, the process parameters and selection basis of squeeze casting parameters were also analyzed. Based on the geometric model of framework of wheels, this paper designs a squeeze casting process, makes numerical simulation of the mold filling and solidification process with AnyCasting software and, then, analyzes possible mold frame structure, improves the gating, venting and overflow systems, and finally gets the mould designed and optimized.
The design of die included the design of gating, venting and overflow systems, the design of partition line, the design of die carrier and inserts, and the design of casting push-out mechanism. Then, the three-dimensional model of auto wheel was built up by UG software. To design the gating, exhausting and overflow system, the partition plane, the pullback mechanism and so on based on the structural features and external dimension of wheels.
The research on this paper provides theoretical and technical support to the production and application of magnesium alloy in the automobile wheels, with which we can achieve the goal of improving the safety and comfort of autos, reducing inventory and costs at the same time.
Keywords:Magnesium Alloy, Wheels, Squeeze Casting Process, Numerical
Simulation, Die Design
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 镁合金轮毂挤压铸造背景、意义 1
1.2.1 背景 1
1.2.2意义 2
1.3 挤压铸造技术的应用现状及发展 2
1.4本课题研究的主要内容 6
2 挤压铸造技术 7
2.1挤压铸造工艺简介 7
2.1.1挤压铸造(液态模锻)工艺过程 7
2.1.2挤压铸造机理 7
2.2挤压铸造的工艺特点及适用范围 8
2.2.1挤压铸造与压力铸造工艺特点比较 8
2.2.2挤压铸造与模锻工艺特点比较 8
2.2.3挤压铸造工艺的适用范围 9
2.3 挤压铸造工艺参数 9
2.3.1 金属熔体浇注温度 10
2.3.2挤压比压 10
2.3.3金属型温度 11
2.3.4加压速度 11
2.3.5 充型速度 12
2.3.6保压时间 12
2.3.7加压开始时间 13
2.3.8润滑剂的选择 14
3 镁合金挤压铸造工艺虚拟现实 16
3.1 挤压铸造工艺CAE 16
3.1.1 挤压铸造工艺CAE 16
3.1.2 挤压铸造CAE的原理 16
3.1.3 CAE软件的结构及其系统组成 17
3.1.4 AnyCasting软件简介 19
3.2 基于AnyCasting软件的数值模拟过程 20
3.2.1三维实体建模 20
3.2.2前处理过程 23
3.2.3模拟运算过程 25
3.2.4后处理过程 26
3.3模拟结果分析 26
3.3.1充型过程分析 26
3.3.2凝固过程分析 27
3.3.3模拟结果总结 29
4 镁合金轮毂挤压铸造模具的设计 30
4.1液压机的选择 30
4.1.1计算压机所需的锁模力 30
4.1.2液压机选择 30
4.2浇注系统和溢流、排气系统的设计 31
4.2.1浇注系统的结构设计 30
4.2.2排气槽和溢流槽的设计 33
4.3分型面的设计 34
4.4模架与成型零件的设计 35
4.4.1模架的基本形式及组成 35
4.4.2模架设计的要点 35
4.4.3成型零件的结构 36
4.4.4型芯的固定形式 37
4.4.5成型零件尺寸的计算 37
4.5结构零件的设计 41
4.5.1动、定模、导柱和导套的设计 41
4.5.2模板的设计 42
4.6推出机构的设计 48
4.6.1推出机构的组成 48
4.6.2推杆推出机构的设计要点 48
4.6.3推出机构的复位与导向 49
4.7模具结构零件的公差与配合 50
4.8模具的装配 52
4.8.1模具装配图 52
4.8.2模具的三维装配 53
5 结论 54
致 谢 55
参考文献 56