
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
Metal spinning technology is an emerging modern plastic forming process for alloys. It processes advantages of good product surface quality, capable of forming tough materials, improvement of product hardness and strength, high material utilization ratio, low energy consumption. Spinning is suitable to the production of products in small quantity at low cost and reasonable processing feasibility. The present paper is aimed to review the process in detail after systematic analysis of available literatures in order to provide a sound base for following-up experimental design.
Magnesium alloy is the lightest commercial alloy to date. It has high specific strength and stiffness, good thermal conductivity, outstanding damping shock absorption, electromagnetic shielding and good machinability. It is therefore has been used to produce products of light weight to reduce energy consumption and to enhance reliability. Consequently, Mg alloy, known as the green structural materials for 21st century, has become an important material for automotive, aerospace, aviation and electronic communications, and other industries. In this paper, the spinning forming characteristics of Mg alloy AZ31 at different temperatures has been analyzed in detail after literature analysis, followed by spinning mould design to provide a guidance for following-up experiments.
Key words: Spinning, magnesium alloy, AZ31, forming of
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 旋压的定义和分类 1
1.3 旋压技术的发展概况 4
1.4镁合金的发展概况 5
1.5 选题的背景和意义 6
1.6 本课题的主要研究内容 6
2 旋压工艺分析 7
2.1 引言 7
2.2 旋压工程分析 7
2.2.1简形件强力旋压成形过程的3个阶段 7
2.2.2简形件强力旋压成形的3个区域 8
2.2.3简形件强力旋压变形规律 8
2.3 旋压件成形质量的控制 9
2.3.1 悬压件的金相组织 9
2.3.2旋压件的尺寸精度 9
2.3.3旋压件的表面粗糙度 10
2.4 旋压工艺主要控制参数 10
2.4.1减薄率 10
2.4.2主轴转速和旋速 11
2.4.3芯模和旋轮的间歇 11
2.4.4进给比 11
2.4.5旋轮的形状 12
2.4.6旋压温度 12
2.5本章小结 14
3 镁合金 15
3.1 镁合金介绍 15
3.1.1镁合金的特点 15
3.1.2镁合金的应用 17
3.2镁合金的国内现状和前景 18
3.3镁合金AZ31的可旋性分析 19
3.3.1引言 19
3.3.2镁及镁合金塑性变形的结构特性 19
3.3.3 AZ31镁合金铸锭组织及退火工艺后组织观察 20
3.3.4 变形温度对流变应力的影响 21
3.3.5 结论 21
3.4 本章小结 22
4 试验设计 23
4.1 试验条件的选择 23
4.2试验设备的设计 25
4.2.1 工件设计 25
4.2.2旋轮的设计 25
4.2.3其他相关结构的设计 26
4.3 工艺参数的选择 29
4.4 本章小结 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32