
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘要
本课题结合长安汽车公司全地域车的产品开发,分析了全地域样车的悬架结构形式和设计特点,特别是针对悬架系统关键部件- 变刚度螺旋弹簧进行了逆向设计。主要研究内容有:测量变刚度螺旋弹簧的参数,建立了变刚度螺旋弹簧的参数化模型;计算了变刚度螺旋弹簧;采用非线性动力学分析软件LS-DYNA,计算了变刚度螺旋弹簧的动态变形过程,对螺旋弹簧承受的最大变形和应力进行了数值预测;最后,对变刚度螺旋弹簧的变刚度特性进行了试验测试,测试结果验证了原型车悬架弹簧的变刚度特性及其理论计算正确性,为原型车悬架螺旋弹簧的逆向设计提供理论计算依据。
The all-terrain vehicle of Unimog is a multifunctional, all-weather special vehicle which has a advanced technology and high performance. The vehicle is made a good example for independent design and manufacture of the all-terrain maneuverable platform. To correctly analyze and research the principle and the characteristic of the structural design of the archetypal vehicle’s suspension systems, is very important theoretical value and practical significance of engineering for further improving the designing level of the all-terrain vehicle’s suspension systems and speeding up the process of localization.
The paper combined with the products development of Chang’an Automobile Company’s all-terrain vehicle, analyze the structural form and the characteristic of the structural design of the archetypal vehicle’s suspension systems, especially with regard to the key components of the suspension-variable stiffness coil spring’s reverse design. Main contents which is studied are as follow: measurement parameters of the variable stiffness spiral spring, and making the parametric model of variable stiffness spiral spring; calculations of the variable stiffness spiral spring; and then with nonlinear dynamics analysis software Ls-dyna,calculate dynamic deformation process of the variable stiffness spiral spring, forecasting most large deformation and stress; at last, test variable stiffness of the variable stiffness spiral spring, test results verify the validity of the calculation and the variable stiffness of the springs of the archetypal vehicle’s suspension, propose the basis for the theoretical calculation of reverse design of the spiral springs of the archetypal vehicle’s suspension.
Key words: suspension, variable stiffness, spiral spring, finite element, dynamics analysis
摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1研究的目的意义 1
1.2研究内容 2
2 悬架系统结构分析 3
2.1原型车行走系结构设计特点[2] 3
2.2原型车前后悬架结构形式分析[3] 4
2.2.1前悬架系统的构成 4
2.2.2后悬架系统的构成 7
3 变刚度螺旋弹簧的逆向建模 10
3.1 变刚度螺旋弹簧的研究现状 10
3.2 悬架弹簧参数测量 11
3.2.1测量的规定 11
3.2.2前悬架弹簧参数测量 11
3.2.3后悬架弹簧参数测量 12
3.2.4参数测量注意事项 12
3.3悬架弹簧三维逆向建模 13
3.3.1前悬架弹簧逆向建模 13
3.3.2 后悬架弹簧逆向建模 15
3.3.3 逆向建模注意事项 18
4 变刚度螺旋弹簧的弹性特性 18
4.1弹簧材料选择 18
4.2弹簧特性计算[8] 19
4.3 前悬架弹簧理论计算 20
4.4 后悬架弹簧理论计算 24
5.螺旋弹簧的有限元动力学分析 29
5.1 前悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元分析[12][13][14][15][16][17][18] 29
5.1.1前悬架弹簧上、下底座建模 29
5.1.2前悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元模型 30
5.1.3 前悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元的前处理分析[19] 30
5.1.4前悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元结果分析 32
5.2后悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元分析 34
5.2.1后悬架弹簧上、下底座建模 34
5.2.2前悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元模型 35
5.2.3 后悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元的前处理分析 36
5.2.4后悬架螺旋弹簧的有限元结果分析 37
6变刚度螺旋弹簧性能测试 39
6.1试验的目的 39
6.2试验要求 39
6.3试验结果分析 39
6.4试验结论 41
7结论 41
参 考 文 献 42
附录1:前悬架弹簧螺旋线公式 43
附录2:后悬架弹簧螺旋线公式 45
附录3:前后悬架弹簧特性曲线拟合 47