

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要


关键词: 港口辐射能力,外贸商品结构,集装箱


Chongqing is clutching the history of the great western development opportunities; accelerate economic and social development, a window of external radiation and economic role in promoting the southwestern region and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River region's economic development. Despite the rapid development of foreign trade in recent years, but because the area has long been disadvantaged and relatively weak basis for foreign trade, import and export trade in Chongqing Municipality with the development of the eastern coastal areas also showed relatively backward compared to the situation. Especially in the import and export commodity structure, market share, and other aspects of foreign trade and coastal areas of Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other provinces (municipalities) have a big gap.
This paper visited the Chongqing City in recent years the development of import and export trade, analysis of the impact of foreign trade logistics major factor in traffic flows on the import and export trade on the role of economic growth. Chongqing Foreign Trade logistics flow for the flow of the design and implementation of the survey. The introduction of mathematical statistics, analysis and other related algebraic methods. And the annual import and export volume respectively, were forecast. According to the results of the study, to optimize the industrial structure and building transportation network of suggestions.
This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter the purpose of this paper, and the significance of research methods. Chapter II Chongqing is the development of foreign trade status quo, which the transport time, transport routes and structure of a detailed analysis. Chapter III is the design of the questionnaire. Chapter IV is the analysis of questionnaires, and the next few years, Chongqing's container traffic forecasts. Chapter V is conclusions.

Key words:Radiation port capacity, foreign trade commodity structures, containers

目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2本文的研究内容与技术路线 3
1.2.1研究内容 3
1.2.2技术路线 3
2某市市进出口贸易发展现状分析 4
2.1某市进出口贸易发展的基础条件 4
2.1.1地理位置 4
2.1.2社会经济发展概况 5
2.2某市外贸运输通道现状 6
2.2.1某市外贸运输主要通道 6
2.2.2某市外贸运输通道结构 7
2.2.3某市集装箱运输成本分析 7
3调查问卷的设计 12
3.1设计目的及调查方式介绍 12
3.2目标人群 12
3.3问卷的操作性 13
3.4卷首语 13
3.5问卷的发放及反馈 14
4某市外贸集装箱流量流向分析 16
4.1各方向出口集装箱总量分析预测 16
4.2各方向进口集装箱总量分析预测 18
4.3各种产品出口集装箱总量分析预测 19
4.4各种产品进口集装箱总量分析预测 20
4.5各种产品进出口总量与GDP的相关分析 21
4.6流向 23
4.7优化产品出口结构 23
4.8关于运输通道建设的建议 24
4.8.1优化运输结构和资源配置 24
4.8.2通道为主兼顾网络的原则 24

5结论 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28