

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要


关键词:物流中心,系统规划, MSFLB方法论,SLP系统布置设计


Logistics center is the product of the development of market economy and modern logistics, it is an important modern logistics network nodes. It can improve the efficiency of logistics operations, improve logistics service quality, reduce logistics costs,achieve economies of scale of logistics operations. Logistics center has become one of the key strategic planning in the building of a modern logistics system in China. With the continuous development of the network and scale of modern logistics industry, the logistics center will become more urgent needs.
This paper bases on the research and development of both domestic and foreign logistics center, explains the basic theory and planning methods of logistics center,analyzes logistics business mode feature and operational characteristics and the use of the conditions,proposes the eva luate standard of logistics center business mode, clarifies connotation and functions of logistics center, and the main principles and contents of LC planning. then, considers the four links about market analysis, strategic positioning, functional planning and layout designing, proposes the planning method that is called MSFLB to build a logistics center.Finally,applies practical analysis on Yongchuan logistics center. Hoping this thesis research can further improve planning system theory and practice of logistics center.

Key words: Logistics Center, System Planning, MSFLB Method , SLP Layout Design Method

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 选题的背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 2
1.2.1国内研究现状 2
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
1.3 论文的主要研究内容 3
2物流中心概述 4
2.1 物流中心概念 4
2.2 物流中心与物流园区、配送中心的关系 4
2.3 物流中心主要业务特征与分类 6
3物流中心系统规划概述 7
3.1 物流中心规划的主要原则 7
3.2 物流中心规划的主要内容 7
3.3 物流中心的规划方法 8
4永川物流中心设施规划设计研究 10
4.1 规划建设的背景 10
4.1.1永川物流业发展现状 10
4.1.2 建设的必要性 10
4.2 服务区域的市场需求与战略规划 11
4.2.1 市场需求分析 11
4.2.2 战略规划 13
4.3 物流中心定位与功能规划 13
4.3.1 物流中心的功能定位 13
4.3.2 物流中心功能规划 14
4.3.3 功能分区 15
4.4 规划建设的规模和主要设备的选取分析 16
4.4.1 规划建设规模分析 16
4.4.2 设备选取分析 18
4.5 物流中心的布局设计 19
5结论 22
参考文献 23