此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
关键词:机械手,齿轮,丝杆螺母,强度 , 建模,运动仿真
The main contents of the topics are the structural design of the spraying manipulator. First introduced manipulator’s development, design and development of housing spraying manipulator of purpose and significance at home and abroad. The spraying manipulator designed mainly used for spraying the surface. The purpose of this design is to use the spraying manipulator to replace the labor of workers, increasing efficiency and reducing coatings for the health of workers affected. And then spraying manipulator structure was designed to determine the working principle. Designed by the institutions of a check, the design of the robot has four degrees of freedom, including the rotation of the arm, movements, stretching, swinging. Spraying manipulator mainly by the base, body movements, big arm, small arm and rotating components.
In the design process, the following steps were in an orderly manner:
First, the overall structure of the design and principles of the design, and to determine the parameters.
Second, focus on the base manipulator and the drive gear shaft design calculations and checking and checking the bearing life.
Third, the movements of the screw nut for the design and calculation and intensity of checking, design parameters and sports gear power.
Fourth, the gear and rack design parameters and dynamic movement, and all the arm of the size of the design and strength check. Through calculated manipulator of the structure, size and shape.
Fifth, use the computer-aided design software solidworks for modeling and simulation.
Key words: manipulator, gear, screw nut, strength, modeling, simulation
目 录
摘要 I
1绪论 1
1.1课题的目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状分析和评价 1
1.3机械手的组成和分类 2
1.3.1.一般工业机械手的组成 3
1.3.2建筑机械手的组成 4
1.3.3机械手分类 5
1.4本章小结 5
2机械手的总体设计方案 6
2.1 需求分析 6
2.2机械手基本形式的选择 6
2.3机械手的主要部件及运动 7
2.4驱动机构的选择 7
2.5机械手的主要参数 7
2.6本章小结 7
3底座设计 9
3.1底座设计的设计要求 9
3.2结构分析 9
3.3设计计算 9
3.3.1选择电动机类型 10
3.3.2计算和选择电动记得容量 10
3.3.3确定电动机的转速 10
3.3.4确定机构的总传动比并分配各级传动比 10
3.3.5传动装置的运动和动力参数的计算 10
3.3.6低速级直齿圆柱齿轮传动设计 11
3.4 轴的结构设计 16
3.4.1(Ⅰ)轴结构设计 16
3.4.2(II)轴结构设计 17
3.4.3轴的校核 19
3.4.4齿轮轴轴承的校核 23
3.5本章小结 25
4升降机构的设计和有关计算 24
4.1升降机构设计的基本要求 24
4.1.1升降机构应承载能力大、刚度好、自重轻 24
4.1.2减小升降机构的惯量 24
4.2结构分析 24
4.3丝杆螺母的设计计算 25
4.3.1螺纹传动设计 25
4.3.2螺纹传动参数 28
4.4运动和动力的设计 29
4.4.1选择电动机类型 29
4.4.2计算和选择电动记得容量 29
4.4.3确定电动机的转速 29
4.4.4确定机构的总传动比并分配各级传动比 29
4.4.5传动装置的运动和动力参数的计算 30
4.5确定齿轮的主要参数及几何尺寸 30
4.6齿轮轴的设计 31
4.6.1(Ⅰ)轴结构设计 31
4.6.2(II)轴结构设计 32
4.7本章小结 33
5大臂的设计 34
5.1 大臂设计的基本要求 34
5.1.1 臂部应承载能力大、刚度好、自重轻 34
5.1.2 臂部运动速度要合适,惯性要小 34
5.1.3手臂动作应该灵活 34
5.1.4 手臂运动机构的选择 34
5.2大臂的结构图 36
5.3齿轮齿条机构的设计计算 35
5.3.1齿轮齿条参数的确定 35
5.4升降螺母连接部分的设计及校核 35
5.5大臂的强度校核 36
5.6本章小结 38
6小臂的设计 39
6.1臂部设计的要求 39
6.2小臂的结构图 39
6.3小臂的强度校核 40
6.4本章小结 40
7旋转臂的设计 41
7.1旋转臂设计的要求 41
7.1.1力求结构紧凑、重量轻 41
7.1.2综合考虑,合理布置 41
7.2结构设计 41
7.3齿轮参数的确定 41
7.4本章小结 42
8计算机辅助设计 43
8.1Solidworks软件介绍 43
8.1.1概况 43
8.1.2SolidWorks软件的运行环境 44
8.1.3SolidWorks的主要功能模块 45
8.1.4SolidWorks操作界面 45
8.2零件的三维建模 45
8.2.1概述 45
8.2.2建模过程 46
8.3零件装配 48
8.3.1概述 48-..