某制造业企业新厂房设施规划与物流分析(本科毕业论文设计),摘要随着国家宏观调控政策的逐步落实和生产要素成本的大幅上升,国内制造业企业之间的竞争日益激烈,降低车间的物流成本越来越成为众多企业关注的焦点。运用科学合理的设施布置方法和技术,对车间设施进行科学合理的规划显得非常必要。 论文通过对a制造型企业的重型容器车间现有厂房的物流分析,运用系统布置设计理论和设施规划方法等工程技术...
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
论文旨在运用缪瑟的SLP(Systematic Layout Planning)方法解决企业新厂房设施规划问题。目的在于突破A企业在新厂房规划过程中完全依靠经验的做法,通过引入定量的设施规划方法对A企业的新厂房进行科学合理的规划。
With the gradual implementation of the national macro adjustment-and-control policy and the rising by a wide margin of the cost of manufacturing elements, as well as the competition between the domestic enterprises of manufacturing industry becoming fierce day by day, it is the reduction of the logistic cost in workshops that becomes more and more the concerns of many a enterprises. So it is very essential for the enterprises to use method and technology of Facilities Layout to make a scientific and reasonable facilities planning.
Regarding the logistic analysis of the workshops of heavy-container plants in manufacturing enterprise A, this paper will apply Engineering Technologies like Systematic Layout Planning Theory, Facilities Planning methods etc. to make a reasonable facilities planning and logistic system design of the new workshops of heavy-container plants manufacturing enterprise A, and to propose a systematical Facilities Layout Planning so as to curtail production cycle and reduce logistic cost. The thesis divides several following parts to describe:Chapter one tells the Facilities Planning Theory, research state home and abroad, and development trend of Facilities Planning Theory, and the research purpose of this thesis and the main contents; In chapter two, it introduces the SLP theory to make a facilities planning of workshops, and then works out three candidates of layout planning through the statistics of logistic volume and the non-logistic factors; The third chapter will make a choice of the most optimized layout planning from the three through assessment system; And in chapter four, it will draw a conclusion of the application of scientific facilities planning thus to bring in real benefits to enterprises.
This paper aims at applying SLP (Systematic Layout Planning) theory to solve the actual problems of new workshops in facilities planning. In order to break the experience-oriented practice in the planning of new workshop in enterprises A, it introduces a quantitative facilities planning to make a scientific and reasonable planning for new workshops in enterprise A.
Key words: Logistics System Analysis,Facilities Planning,Layout Design,SLP,Industrial Engineering
目 录
摘 要 I
1绪论 1
1.1论文选题背景 1
1.2国内外设施规划研究状态及发展趋势 1
1.2.1国内外设施规划研究现状 1
1.2.2设施规划发展趋势 3
1.3论文的主要研究内容 4
1.4论文研究的目的意义 4
2 新厂区重型容器车间设施布置 6
2.1 SLP方法概述 6
2.2产品-产量分析 7
2.2.1 P-Q分析 7
2.2.2 重型容器车间产品结构 7
2.3重型容器车间物流因素分析 8
2.3.1重型容器车间代表产品工艺分析 8
2.3.2重型容器车间作业单位划分 17
2.3.3重型容器车间作业单位间物流强度分析 25
2.4重型容器车间非物流因素分析 30
2.4.1重型容器车间非物流约束条件概述 30
2.4.2 重型容器车间非物流因素分析 30
2.5重型容器车间作业单位综合相互关系 31
2.5.1重型容器车间作业单位综合相互关系分析 31
2.5.2重型容器车间作业单位综合相互关系图 35
2.5.3重型车间作业单位综合接近程度 36
2.6重型容器车间作业单位相关图分析 37
2.6.1重型容器车间作业单位面积 37
2.6.2重型容器车间作业单位位置相关图 38
2.6.3重型容器车间作业单位面积相关图 39
3 重型容器车间新厂房设施布置方案及评价 43
3.1重型容器车间设施布置初步方案 43
3.1.1重型容器车间设施布置方案一 43
3.1.2重型容器车间设施布置方案二 43
3.1.3重型容器车间设施布置方案三 44
3.2设施布置方案评价 45
3.2.1加权因素方案评价 45
3.2.2车间物流瓶颈比较评价 46
3.3重型容器车间设施布置最终方案 51
4 结论 54
参考文献 55
致 谢 56