循环流化床锅炉流动特性的图像分析研究,摘 要 本研究主要在前人的基础上通过自行设计图像处理软件并且结合传统的图像采集技术对循环流化床气固两相流作出简单的分析研究。研究的内容主要包括:1. 制作基于matlab具有人机交互界面的图像分析处理软件。2.本文的图片通过实验来获取,实验的模型整体高3470mm,横截面最大尺寸为3...

此文档由会员 辉哥 发布
摘 要 本研究主要在前人的基础上通过自行设计图像处理软件并且结合传统的图像采集技术对循环流化床气固两相流作出简单的分析研究。研究的内容主要包括:1. 制作基于MATLAB具有人机交互界面的图像分析处理软件。2.本文的图片通过实验来获取,实验的模型整体高3470mm,横截面最大尺寸为300mm×280mm,实验采用的床料为各种粒径的玻璃微珠。实验中我们对不同工况、不同颗粒度、不同高度的床料以及不同高度区域进行了长时间的连续拍摄,首先分析了影响底部区域气泡大小、形状的因素,以及计算气泡的面积比。其次分析了CFB中不同情况下的颗粒团(簇)以及影响颗粒团(簇)的各种因素。
关键词 图像分析处理软件;MATLAB;面积比;影响因素
Abstract This study is based on the previous ,image processing software is designed by myself and combine the traditional image acquisition phase flow circulating fluidized bed technology to make a simple analysis. Contents of the study include: 1. Making a computer interface based on MATLAB image analysis software. 2. This picture by experiment to obtain experimental model of the overall high-3470mm, the largest cross-sectional size of 300mm × 280mm, experimental bed materials used for various size of glass beads. We experiment with different conditions, different particle size, bed material of different heights and different height regions of the long continuous shot, The first analyzes the impact of the bottom of the regional bubble size, shape factors, and to calculate the bubble area ratio. Second, analysis of the CFB in the case of particles of different groups (clusters) and the impact of particle groups (clusters) of various factors.
Key Word Image analysis software; MATLAB; area ratio; factors
摘 要 本研究主要在前人的基础上通过自行设计图像处理软件并且结合传统的图像采集技术对循环流化床气固两相流作出简单的分析研究。研究的内容主要包括:1. 制作基于MATLAB具有人机交互界面的图像分析处理软件。2.本文的图片通过实验来获取,实验的模型整体高3470mm,横截面最大尺寸为300mm×280mm,实验采用的床料为各种粒径的玻璃微珠。实验中我们对不同工况、不同颗粒度、不同高度的床料以及不同高度区域进行了长时间的连续拍摄,首先分析了影响底部区域气泡大小、形状的因素,以及计算气泡的面积比。其次分析了CFB中不同情况下的颗粒团(簇)以及影响颗粒团(簇)的各种因素。
关键词 图像分析处理软件;MATLAB;面积比;影响因素
Abstract This study is based on the previous ,image processing software is designed by myself and combine the traditional image acquisition phase flow circulating fluidized bed technology to make a simple analysis. Contents of the study include: 1. Making a computer interface based on MATLAB image analysis software. 2. This picture by experiment to obtain experimental model of the overall high-3470mm, the largest cross-sectional size of 300mm × 280mm, experimental bed materials used for various size of glass beads. We experiment with different conditions, different particle size, bed material of different heights and different height regions of the long continuous shot, The first analyzes the impact of the bottom of the regional bubble size, shape factors, and to calculate the bubble area ratio. Second, analysis of the CFB in the case of particles of different groups (clusters) and the impact of particle groups (clusters) of various factors.
Key Word Image analysis software; MATLAB; area ratio; factors