

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要

本文对工装夹具的作用,分类及其特点做了详细的归类和总结。由于涉及到计算机技术的应用,所以也部分介绍了UG软件的发展、主要技术特点、组成模块以及其实际常用的UG NX。结合实际生产要求,本文还完成了焊接工艺设计,选择合理的规范参数,以保证焊接质量满足要求。



This paper mainly presents fixture design and welding technology design of automobile gear sets welding. Proper design and selection of various fixture can not only shorten the assembly and welding time, reduce labor intensity of workers, raising labor productivity, and ensure accuracy of product assembly and welding quality, but also can give full play to the potential of welding equipment, expand the scope of its application, and will be conducive to the realization of the comprehensive mechanization and automation. Welding fixture is the guarantee of the smooth and correct implementation of welding process. Moreover, the process whether it is reasonable also affects the design and effect of the use of fixture. So in the view of fixture and welding technology, it is very important to design a reasonable fixture and welding technology.
With the development of welding technology and computer technology, in particular welding technology and computer technology closely integrated shows the importance of computer technology in the design of fixture in the future. The focus of this paper is on using CAD and UG software to design the welding fixture, optimizing its structure through continuous improvement, completing welding fixture design and automatic welding programme design.
In this paper, the role of fixture, and its classification and characteristics are classified and summarized in detail. As related to the application of computer technology, the development of UG software, the main characteristics, the modules and its practical common UG NX are described in this paper. With the actual production requirements, the paper has also completed welding process design and selected reasonable parameters to ensure welding quality to meet the specified requirements.

Key words: automobile gear sets welding, welding fixture, welding technology, UG
目 录

摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1焊接工装夹具的概念 1
1.1.1 概念 1
1.1.2 汽车焊接中工装夹具的发展、发展趋势及作用 1
1.2 焊接工装夹具的作用 2
1.2.1 保证和提高产品质量 2
1.2.2 提高劳动生产率,降低制造成本 2
1.2.3 减轻劳动强度,保障安全生产 3
1.3 焊接工装的分类 3
1.3.1 按用途分类 3
1.3.2 按应用范围分类 3
1.3.3 按动力源分类 4
1.3.4 按焊接方法分类 4
1.4 焊接工装的特点 4
1.5 焊接的概念和意义以及我国焊接生产的现状 5
1.6 我国发展焊接技术的几点主要措施 5
1.6.1 加强新型焊接设备的研究开发力度 5
1.6.2 加强新的焊接共性技术的研究与开发 6
1.6.3 用计算机改造焊接传统产业 6
1.7 研究的内容、目的和意义 7
2 UG软件介绍 9
2.1 UG软件概述 9
2.2 UG的主要技术特点 9
2.3 UG软件的组成模块 10
2.4 用于三维建模的UG NX 11
3 焊接工装夹具设计 13
3.1 引言 13
3.2 夹具设计任务 13
3.2.1 焊接产品图分析 13
3.2.2 焊接产品“齿轮套”的重点技术要求分析 15
3.3 “齿轮套”装焊夹具设计方案的确定 15
3.3.1 装焊方案 15
3.3.2 装焊夹具结构 22
3.3.3 夹具定位原理与特点 24
3.3.4 主要零件设计说明 24
3.3.5 夹具装配要求 27
3.4 装焊夹具使用说明 28
3.4.1 夹具的操作步骤 28
3.4.2 夹具使用注意事项、保养以及维护 28
4 汽车齿轮套自动焊接工艺设计 29
4.1 引言 29
4.2 焊接产品 29
4.3 焊接要求 29
4.4 焊接方案 29
4.4.1 焊前准备 29
4.4.2 工艺参数的制定 30
4.4.3 焊接 30
4.4.4 焊后清理与检测 30
4.4.5 操作注意问题 30
5 结论 31
参考文献 32