
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
The diaphragm spring has many advantages as a pinched spring, such as the structure is simple, light weight, wear uniform, and so on. So the diaphragm springs are widely used in the automobile clutch.
The principle of diaphragm springs clutch is introduced detailed. Mechanical analysis of the disc spring and separated finger are made. The nonlinear constraint optimization problem of Matlab is introduced.
In this paper, with the load-deflection characteristics and stress-deflection characteristics analyzed in detail and all constrain conditions considered, a new multi-target optimal design mathematical model for the constructional parameters of pull-type diaphragm spring is brought up. This model can make the changes of the reservation coefficient and the changes of declutching force smaller before and after the clutch disc worn. The model is solved by TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). Design example shows that a just model is established in this paper and the modeling method has a practical significance.
Establishing a mathematical model, the optimization objective is the average of pressing force changes minimum during the friction wearing. The constraint condition consist of strength, pressing force, the pressing force’s difference value of the diaphragm spring clutch old and new, the driver operating to save effort and so on. The Design variables are the size of the diaphragm spring. Calculated the optimal solution through a function named fmincon of Matlab. By comparison other proposal, this proposal is feasible.
Key words:Diaphragm spring, Mechanical analysis, Matlab, Optimum design
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 膜片弹簧离合器简介及研究意义 1
1.1.1汽车离合器简介 1
1.1.2膜片弹簧离合器简介 1
1.1.3课题研究意义 3
1.2 膜片弹簧优化研究现状 3
1.3 主要研究内容 3
1.4 本章小结 4
2 碟簧部分的力学分析 5
2.1 膜片弹簧离合器工作原理 5
2.2 膜片弹簧的碟簧部分力学分析 5
2.2.1 载荷—变形公式 5
2.2.2 碟簧部分受力分析 6
2.2.3 拉压应力σtB 7
2.2.4 弯曲应力σrB 8
2.2.5 碟簧部分当量应力σjB 8
2. 3 本章小结 8
3 分离指的力学分析 9
3.1分离指工作过程 9
3.2分离过程载荷——变形公式的推导 9
3.3膜片弹簧载荷——变形曲线分析 10
3.3.1曲线合成 10
3.3.2合成曲线分析 12
3.4影响载荷——变形公式的因素 12
3.4.1高度比H/h 12
3.4.2外内径比R/r 14
3.4.3支承半径R1/r1 14
3.4.4工作位置λb 15
3.5实际特性曲线与计算曲线的误差 15
3.5.1 曲线右移现象 15
3.5.2 曲线滞后现象 16
3.6本章小结 17
4 优化模型的建立 18
4.1优化目标的选择 18
4.1.1最大应力点应力最小 19
4.1.2 |Fa-Fb|最小 19
4.1.3 踏板力最小 19
4.1.4 压紧力变化的平均值最小 19
4.2设计变量的选择 19
4.3约束条件的选择 20
4.4目标函数的建立 22
4.4.1载荷——变形曲线特征点 22
4.4.2目标函数的简化 23
4.5 数学模型的建立 23
4.6 本章小结 24
5 Matlab的应用 25
5.1 Matlab的简介 25
5.2 Matlab优化工具箱概述 27
5.3 有约束非线性最优化问题的应用 28
5.3.1 基本数学原理 28
5.3.2 fmincon函数的介绍 29
5.4 fmincon在本优化问题的应用 30
5.5 本章小结 34
6 结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献 37