

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要

本文根据巡航控制系统的工作原理,从多方面进行了分析、计算。对巡航控制系统的主要零部件进行了设计,完成了电动执行器部件电磁离合器的详细尺寸计算,并进行了校核,画出了电磁离合器的零件图、装配图。 按照离合器的转距、功率大小对电动机进行了选择。然后画出了电磁离合器与电动机的装配图。根据巡航控制系统ECU的设计对车速传感器的进行了选型。在电路图设计过程中,首先选取了合适的单片机,然后绘制了各个功能的电路图,对整个巡航控制系统的电路原理图进行了设计。最后根据所设计的电路原理图和本设计要实现的功能画出了程序流程图,编辑了巡航控制系统的主要程序。本文基本上对汽车巡航控制系统的主要部件做出了比较完整的设计,使巡航控制系统能在普通型轿车得到应用。



Automotive cruise control system is a device which can make the automobile run with the required constant speed without the control of the accelerograph, and let the engine work with a advantageous rotate speed. So it can allay the driving fatigue and improve the ride comfort. Now the cruise control system is common used on middling and advanced cars but not preva lent on the common ones. With the development of freeway and the automobile industry, the increase of private cars, and also considered the safety performance and environment protection, so it is full of momentous significance to use the cruise control system on the common cars.
This paper has finished extensive calculation and analysis by the theory of the cruise control system. And designed the system’s main components, finished the calculation of the size of the electromagnetic clutch which belong to the electric controlling element, and also finished the detail drawings and assembly drawing. In the paper, it select a electromotor according to its power and the torque of the electromagnetic clutch, then finished the assembly drawing about the electromotor and clutch. The type of speed is chosen by the design of ECU of automotive cruise control system. In the process of the design of schematic circuit diagram, it selects a proper SCM firstly, and the draw the circuit diagram of each function. This paper designed a schematic circuit diagram for the system of cruise control. At last, this paper designed a flow chart for the program. This paper has basically made an integrated design for the main components of the cruise control system. So the popularization of the cruise control system will be used on the common cars.

Key words:cruise control, Single-Chip Microcomputer(SCM), electromagnetic clutch, circuit elements fig, main procedure

目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
1 绪论 1
1.1国内外汽车巡航技术发展史 1
1.2 汽车巡航控制系统的优点 1
1.3汽车巡航控制系统的功能 2
1.4巡航控制系统的发展动向 3
1.5巡航控制系统使用和注意事项 3
2 汽车巡航控制系统基本组成及工作原理 5
2.1 基本组成 5
2.2 工作原理 5
2.3 巡航控制系统结构 5
2.4现有巡航控制系统的特点 6
2.5巡航控制ECU 8
2.6执行器 11
2.7 汽车巡航系统电路 11
3 汽车巡航控制系统(CCS)的设计 13
3.1 执行器主要部件的设计 13
3.2蜗轮蜗杆基本参数 18
3.3电动机选型 19
3.4车速传感器的选择: 20
3.5蜗杆与减速电机的安装 21
3.6执行器部件主要装配图 21
3.7结果 22
4 电路原理图的设计 23
4.1 单片机简介 23
4.2电路图设计 23
4.3结果 28
5 巡航控制程序设计 29
5.1制系统程序设计的要求 29
5.2程序要实现的功能 29
5.3控制程序流程图 29
6 结 论 34
参考文献 35