

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要


关键词: 精密,数控,三坐标工作台


To meet the sophisticated and ultra-precision machining requirements, but also applica- ble to the measurement system, design a 3-D precision CNC table. Table with X, Y, Z three directions of the mobile capability, which, X and Y coordinates of the direction of dual-use SZH1010 precision CNC table, X and Y direction of the itinerary were 100mm, with step angle of 1.8 degrees / step The breakdown for the 50-step further RM2424S s- tepper motor control, pulse equivalent to 0.0006 mm, table transmission of high accura- cy, stability, action is sensitive, heat distortion of small, precise positioning and reliable table after locking. Z direction of a single variable-nut-screw Lead pretightening of the X, Y coordinates of dual-bearing table and a transmission, main-track selection of the f- our straight load, such as the direction of rolling rails deputy, Z directions The itinerary for the 70 mm, and with step angle of 1.8 degrees / step, step for the 50-step breakdown of RM26A3S-stepper motor control, pulse equivalent to 0.0004 mm, good stability, hi- gh accuracy. Bearing the table for 30 ~ 35 kg, in the breakdown of the stepper motor- driven, three table to achieve the precise direction of movement control, to achieve high positioning accuracy and repeat positioning accuracy, precision machinery to meet the basic processing and measuring system requirements.

Key words:Precision, Digital Control, Three Coordinate Table

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 精密数控技术 1
1.1.1精密数控技术的发展 1
1.1.2国内外精密数控技术的对比 2
1.2 课题内容及主要任务 2
1.2.1精密数控工作台简介 2
1.2.2设计的主要任务 3
2总体方案设计 4
2.1 X-Y轴精密数控工作台的设计 4
2.1.1X-Y轴精密数控工作台的方案论证与分析 4
2.1.2X-Y轴精密数控工作台的控制系统 5
2.2 Z轴精密数控工作台的设计 9
2.2.1Z轴精密数控工作台的方案论证与分析 9
2.2.2滚珠丝杠的设计 10
2.2.3细分式步进电动机 22
2.2.4四方向等载荷(GGB)直线滚动导轨副 24
3 结论 29
参考文献 30