
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
1) JS400ATV前轮转向系典型零件三维模型的建立;
2) 前轮转向系的装配;
3) 前轮转向机构驱动的仿真;
4) 静态下前轮转向系干涉检查。
With the machinery manufacturing industries rapid development of increasingly fierce competition. In order to adapt to rapidly changing market demand, product development cycle, quality, costs and become a problem the modern enterprise must face. Over the past 20 years prove that the practice: Information technology will be applied to new product development and the implementation of the transformation means, Is the modern enterprise survival, the only way for development. At the same time, advanced product development methods, means and the means of implementation, product development is actually the best guarantee. The virtual product model, assembly, simulation, interference is a set of checks is the most common age of digital product development process, It decided the entire digital product cycle and quality. This paper will be JS400ATV front-wheel steering system out for the purpose of this series of work, tools, steps, meaning aspects are discussed in detail. Including the following specific content:
1) JS400ATV front wheel steering parts of the typical three-dimensional modeling;
2) The front wheel steering assembly;
3) The front-wheel steering mechanism driven simulation;
4) Static interference under the front wheel steering system inspections.
Through the above work, I am familiar with the JS400ATV front wheel steering the work of its principles and a more comprehensive development of the figures , The digital platform product development process with a preliminary understanding of.
Keywords: virtual modeling, virtual assembly, movement simulation, interfere cheek
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪 论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 虚拟现实技术与虚拟产品 3
1.3.1 虚拟现实系统(Virtual Reality System,VR) 3
1.3.2 虚拟产品(Virtual Product ,VP) 3
1.4 本文的研究内容和重点 4
1.4.1 JS400ATV简介 4
1.4.2 课题意义 5
1.4.3 采用CATIA新平台实施DMU技术简介 5
1.4.4 本文重点研究内容和实现途径 6
2 转向系工作原理 7
2.1 概述 7
2.2 JS400ATV转向系数字模型简介 7
3 转向系零件模型建立 9
3.1 概述 9
3.1.1 草图设计 9
3.1.2 零件设计 10
3.2 典型零件建模举例 11
3.2.1 球头销实体模型建立 11
3.2.2 其他部分零件模型 13
3.3 工程图输出 14
3.4 本章小结 15
4 转向系零件的装配 16
4.1 概述 16
4.2 装配约束 16
4.3 JS400ATV前轮转向机构装配过程 17
4.4 本章小结 20
5 转向系运动仿真模拟 21
5.1 课题背景 21
5.2 DMU Kinematics简介 22
5.2.1 Kinematics概述 22
5.2.2 Kinematics中连接的类型 23
5.3 JS400ATV前轮转向系运动仿真 24
5.3.1 仿真模型建立 24
5.3.2 机构运动仿真 26
5.3.3 机构运动模拟 28
5.4 仿真结果 28
5.5 本章小结 29
6 转向系机构干涉检查 31
6.1 概述 31
6.1.1 产品装配干涉检察的原则 31
6.1.2 产品装配设计的干涉检查内容 31
6.2 干涉检查结果 32
6.2.1 单个单元碰撞检查 33
6.2.2 干涉的产生原因与解决方法 38
7 结论与展望 39
7.1 主要结论 39
7.1.1 JS400ATV前轮转向机构零部件三维数字化设计 39
7.1.2 JS400ATV前轮转向机构数字样机装配设计 39
7.1.3 空间干涉分析、机构运动仿真 39
7.2 后续工作展望 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42