少片变截面钢板弹簧cad系统开发(本科毕业论文设计),摘要autocad软件最大的特点是具有开放性。为了提高设计质量及设计效率,目前比较普遍的做法是以autocad为支撑平台,二次开发各种专业cad软件。visual basic(简称vb)引入面向对象的编程机制,使用窗体和控件等可视化界面设计应用程序,提高了应用程序的开发效率。弹簧是使用广泛的机械零件,弹簧参数较多,类型...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
AutoCAD软件最大的特点是具有开放性。为了提高设计质量及设计效率,目前比较普遍的做法是以AutoCAD为支撑平台,二次开发各种专业CAD软件。Visual Basic(简称VB)引入面向对象的编程机制,使用窗体和控件等可视化界面设计应用程序,提高了应用程序的开发效率。弹簧是使用广泛的机械零件,弹簧参数较多,类型各异,所以在设计和绘图时较为复杂。本文研究了以模块化设计思想为指导,用VB6.0为开发工具,在AutoCAD平台上二次开发少片变截面钢板弹簧CAD系统的原理和实现方法。
经过测试 ,Spring-CAD系统集设计计算、校核和绘图于一体,能提高弹簧设计人员的工作效率,具有较强的工程应用性和良好的可扩展性。
关键词:少片变截面钢板弹簧,AutoCAD二次开发,Visual basic6.0
AutoCAD software has a distinctch aracteristic of open.In order to improve design quality and efficiency, and to standardize design, a common way now is secondarily-develop various professional CAD software on support platform of AutoCAD. The development environment provided by Visual Basic (i.e. VB) has the totally same interface as Windows. Besides, VB has introduced the programming technique aiming at targets, and has used visible interface such as forms and widget to design application program, improving development efficiency of application program. Spring is a widely common used machine part.Because spring has lots of parameters and diferent types,it is extremely inconvenient when designing and drawing. Guided by the thinking of modular design and using VB6.0 as development tool, the theory and method of spring computer aided design system (i.e. Spring-CAD) on the platform of AutoCAD are studied in this articl
The major research content of this paper are as follows:
In this paper ,there are detailed researchs about the method of the design for taper leaf spring .Summarized the the features, limitations and scope of application of each method.then, expatiated the principle,mechanical model and solution for the design of the taper leaf spring
This system contains two parts,which one is design system and the other is auto-drawing system. When implementing auto-drawing system,firstly connect VB with AutoCAD,set up and invoke graphic layer in program,set up graphic entity .
By testing,this Spring-CAD system,integrating design computation,checking and drawing,has improved spring designers' work efficiency and has great practicality.
Key words: Taper Leaf Spring, Re-development ,AutoCAD, Visual Basic6.0
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
1.1钢板弹簧的分类 1
1.2少片变截面钢板弹簧的特点 2
1.3 CAD二次开发技术理论 2
1.3.1 CAD二次开发技术简介 2
1.3.2 CAD技术发展现状 3
1.4研究的主要内容和意义 3
2少片变截面钢板弹簧CAD系统功能分析及总体设计方案 5
2.1少片簧CAD系统功能分析 5
2.2系统总体设计方案 5
2.2.1 AutoCAD二次开发技术方案对比 5
2.2.2 AutoCAD二次开发语言选择 6
2.2.3少片变截面钢板弹簧CAD系统设计思路 8
3.少片变截面钢板弹簧的设计计算 9
3.1少片变截面钢板弹簧初步选型 9
3.1.1 簧片断面形状 9
3.1.2 簧片端部形状 9
3.2少片变截面钢板弹簧结构形式 10
3.2.1抛物线型叶片弹簧 10
3.2.2梯形叶片弹簧 11
3.2.3宽度渐变式叶片少片簧 12
3.3 弹簧的受力分析 12
3.3.1单片变形 12
3.3.2少片簧的片端力 14
3.4梯形截面弹簧设计计算 15
4少片变截面钢板弹簧CAD系统的实现 20
4.1系统界面设计 20
4.2设计计算系统程序设计 21
4.3绘图系统程序设计 23
4.3.1AutoCAD对象 23
4.3.2连接AutoCAD 24
4.4程序功能测试 26
5结论 28
致谢 29
参 考 文 献 30