沙滩车虚拟样车数字化装配设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要车架是沙滩车车的关键零件,车架结构直接影响到摩托车的舒适性和安全性。本文在对样车车架测量的基础之上,使用catia软件建立车架的三维模型。本文以catia为平台,对虚拟装配路技术进行了初步研究。文中详细介绍了国内外虚拟装配技术的发展与研究现状,并对catia中虚拟装配技术模块进行研究。成功解决了基于catia平台...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
ATV frame is one of the key Parts of motoreyele. The strueture of ATV frame direetly influences the comfortableness and security of motoreycle.Basing on the measure data of asample ATV frame,establishing the frame mode of CATIA.
Many researches on virtual assembly technology based on the CATIA platform were presented in this dissertation.The current researches on virtual assembly technology module were provided in CATIA .The series of key problems for the virtual assembly based on CATIA platform were solved,such as the geometric modeling method, The establishment of assembly constraints,assembly path planning based on the theory that can be disassembled and can be assembled,dynamic assembly simulation according to the planned path,and so on.Combining with actual assembly of production process,the relation between assembly and disassembly were presented in detail,in this dissertation,and main difficulties of path planning in virtual assembly process were analysed and summarized too.
The study subject of this research papers is how to implementation the assembly of ATV frame, it emphasizes on geometric modeling 、designing the assemble process and assembly path. (It comprises defining restrictions, the relation of cooperative design, using the relation of attachment to form an assembling diagram of ATV frame, and develop to an explosion diagram and facture animation simulation.
Keywords:ATV frame , geometric modeling , virtual assemble, assembly planning, explosion diagram
摘 要 I
1. 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题研究内容和重点 2
2 JS400ATV全地形车和CATIA主要相关功能介绍 4
2.1 JS400ATV的概况 4
2.1.1 JS400ATV的简要介绍 4
2.1.2 JS400ATV相关发展概括 5
2.1.3 JS400ATV车架 5
2.2 CATIA主要相关功能介绍 6
2.2.1 概述 6
2.2.3 DIGITAL MOCKUP(数字样机) 8
3 基于CATIA的车架虚拟装配 9
3.1 虚拟装配技术 9
3.1.1 虚拟环境 9
3.1.2 虚拟装配 9
3.1.3 虚拟装配的关键技术 10
3.1.4 虚拟装配流程 11
3.2 车架零部件几何建模 12
3.2.1 零件设计一般步骤 12
3.2.2 零件101710.CATPART几何建模 12
3.2.3 零件112401.CATPART几何建模 15
3.3 装配车架 18
3.3.1 装配设计方法和配合关系 18
3.3.2 子装配体 20
3.3.3 装配车架 21
3.4设计关系 27
4 车架装配规划总结 28
4.1 车架爆炸图 28
4.2 剖切装配 31
4.3 装配规划概述 35
4.3.1 产品层次树结构模型 35
4.3.2 装配序列的生成和评价 35
4.3.3 装配路径 36
4.3.4 具体装配规划 36
4.4 车架装配改进意见 37
5 总结与展望 38
5.1 总结 38
5.2 展望 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41