

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要




Metamorphic mechanism is a new one which can change from one structure form to another by the variety of basis environment and work condition .In the transformation process of the structure form the valid link occurrence variety, or the adjacent relations of links have changed so that the original configurations have changed to be new ones. Metamorphic mechanisms whose degree of freedom is variatinal in the course of motion can fold and spread highly and have the character of variational structure and automatic combination etc. The research of metamorphic mechanisms is a compositive field, which includes structurology, kinematics, dynamics and refer to graph theory, lie algebra, screw theory etc. The metamorphic mechanisms and the theory of metamorphic mechanisms can be widely applied in the field of packaging machinery , robot and spaceflight, by the research of thorough.
The purpose of this paper is the simple research of planar metamorphic mechanisms for reciprocating movements with dwells. At first the accomplished by the implementation of the functional requirements of the system will be proposed.Then it will give a possibility project of metamorphic mechanisms by project design and the characteristic of the project will be interviewed. Also its movement is related simulation will be done. The feasible conclusion of the project will be given.(calculation) Simulation results show that design results can fit the basic requirements. ande

Key words: Planar metamorphic mechanism, Dwell,Reciprocating movement

目 录

摘 要 I
1 引言 1
1.1 变胞机构产生的背景 1
1.2 国内外变胞机构的研究现状 1
1.3 变胞机构的实际应用 2
1.4 本文研究的主要内容 2
2 能实现带停歇的往复运动平面变胞机构的方案设计 4
2.1 执行系统设计 5
2.1.1 执行系统的组成 5
2.1.2 执行系统的功能 5
2.1.3 执行系统运动方案设计的主要内容和过程 5
2.1.4 功能分析与功能求解 6
2.2 冲压机构功能执行设计 6
3 变胞冲压成型机构的结构设计和主要零部件设计 9
3.1 变胞执行机构的特性 9
3.2变胞冲压成型机构的尺度综合 9
3.2.1 变胞执行机构的尺度综合 9
3.2.2 щ级组的尺度综合 10
3.3 变胞执行机构的速度分析和力分析 11
3.4变胞冲压成型机构的动态静力分析 11
3.5 变胞冲压成型机构主要零部件设计 13
4 变胞冲压成型机构的运动、动力仿真 18
4.1 仿真软件ADAMS介绍[11] 18
4.2 进行ADAMS的仿真过程 19
4.2.1 设置工作环境 19
4.2.2 创建物体 20
4.2.3 创建约束副 21
4.2.4 施加力 21
4.2.5 仿真和动画 22
4.2.6 输出测量曲线AMS/Vi 22
5 总结 25
6 致谢 26
参考文献 27