此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
Dual Clutch transmission which is based on the existent MT manufacture techniques, inherits many advantages of the manual transmission such as high transmission efficiency, compact package space, light weight and low cost etc. has excellent launch and shift characters, and so has good development future. Research of the dual clutch transmission is on the beginning stage, and deeply research must have positively propulsive significance for self-development capability of domestic automatic transmission.
this paper has mainly carried on the following research work:
1、 The experiment data of engine has been analyzed, and has been established the static model by interpolation and matching.
2、 According to analyzes the coupling to rub the material the friction coefficient influencing factor, infers between the clutch disc friction coefficient and the influencing factor relationship, has established the double clutch self-shifting transmission automobile clutch torque precise transmission computation anatomic model, and has carried on the simulation analysis to it.
3、 And shifts gears the process to the double clutch self-shifting transmission automobile's start to carry on the modelling simulation, the simulation result indicated that should start and shift gears the control policy to be able to achieve the vehicles start smoothness and the rapid request.
Key words:Dual Clutch Transmission, Torque Transfer, Launching, Shifting, Control
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2自动变速器的类型 1
1.2.1 液力机械式自动变速器 1
1.2.2无级自动变速器 2
1.2.3 电控机械式自动变速器 3
1.3自动变速器的发展过程及前景 3
1.3.1自动变速器的出现 3
1.3.2液力自动变速阶段 4
1.3.3电控自动变速阶段 4
1.3.4智能自动变速阶段 5
1.3.5双离合器自动变速器应用前景 5
1.4 双离合器自动变速器 6
1.4.1双离合器自动变速器的发展及国内外研究现状 6
1.4.2 双离合器式自动变速器的类型及结构 8
1.4.3 双离合器式自动变速器工作原理分析 10
1.4.4 双离合器自动变速传动系统特点及关键技术 12
1.5 本论文的主要任务及内容 14
2 双离合器自动变速器汽车离合器转矩传递分析 15
2.1 引言 15
2.2 发动机数值模型的建立 15
2.2.1 发动机稳态转矩特性 15
2.2.2 非稳态工况下发动机转矩特性的修正 16
2.3 离合器转矩精确传递数值分析 16
2.4离合器摩擦片摩擦系数变化关系的确定 17
2.4.1 离合器摩擦材料的摩擦系数影响因素 17
2.4.3 离合器摩擦片摩擦系数的确定 20
2.5 离合器转矩精确传递仿真分析 20
2.6 本章小结 22
3 双离合器自动变速器换挡规律的制定 23
3.1 引言 23
3.2 自动变速系统换挡规律制定方法分析 23
3.2.1 传统换挡规律 23
3.2.2 智能化换挡规律 26
3.3 双离合器自动变速系统换挡规律研究 30
3.3.1 换挡规律的模糊神经网络仿真分析 31
3.4 本章小结 33
4 双离合器自动变速汽车起步和换档品质控制研究 34
4.1 引言 34
4.2 换挡品质评价指标分析 34
4.2.1换挡时间 34
4.2.2 冲击度 35
4.2.3 离合器滑磨功 35
4.3 起步换档品质控制仿真分析 35
4.4 双离合器自动变速系统换挡控制仿真分析 39
4.5 本章小结 41
5 总 结 42
致 谢 43
参 考 文 献 44