

凸轮轴的接触应力分析(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要凸轮(轴)是中、低速柴油机配气机构的关键零件。柴油机的连续运转是通过凸轮对气门的顺序启闭、气门开度的规律控制,使发动机的多个冲程周而复始、定时顺序的循环完成的。凸轮机构作为机械式信息储存与传递的基本元件,被广泛地应用于各种自动机械中。凸轮机构可以实现各种复杂的运动要求,而且结构简单紧凑。凸轮是内燃机配气系统的重要...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要




Cam shaft is the key part of the middle or low speed diesel engine. The diesel engine running through the valve’s opening and closing regularly, made the diesel engine stroke working periodically. As the basic part of the message storing and transforming, cam organization is used wildly in kinds of mechanism. Cam organization can realize many kinds of complicated moving, and the composition is simple and shut tightly. Cam organization is one of the important parts of the system. The satiability of the camshaft will affect the whole diesel engine.
The article is talking about the close stress analysis of the cam and lifter of thesystem. Above all, this article recalled the research result of from home and abroad. Judging form the research before, not only the design, but also the manufacture is fall behind abroad, and then, tested through the classic theory. Among the testing, we chose the elasticity methods, looking from the results, cam’s function is coincidence. Finally, the article analyzed the close stress between the cam and the lifter through molding. Among the analysis, we chose one of the moments of the cam to research, judging from the results, cam’s close stress is compatible with the standard.
Through the analysis, we got a few of conclusions: the close areas of the cam and lifter almost like rectangle; the stress is under the place of the cam and lifter engaging areas, and the areas between the cam and lifter, the two places is the key areas of the cam.

Key Words:Cam Shaft,Finite Element Method,Conttract Stress,Ansys

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.2国内外研究现状分析 1
1.2.1中、低速柴油机凸轮轴的设计研究现状 1
1.2.2中、低速柴油机凸轮轴的制造研究现状 3
1.3课题研究的目的和意义 5
1.4本章小结 5
2 凸轮轴及配气机构概述 6
2.1凸轮轴简介 6
2.2凸轮轴的一般结构 7
2.3配气机构简介 8
2.3.1顶置凸轮轴式配气机构 9
2.3.2多气门式配气机构 9
2.3.3可变气门式配气机构 10
2.4本章小结 10
3 凸轮的理论校核 11
3.1刚性计算方法 11
3.2弹性计算方法 13
3.3理论校核计算 14
3.4本章小结 15
4 凸轮的静力分析 16
4.1凸轮的三维建模 16
4.2划分网格 18
4.2.1定义单元类型 18
4.2.2定义材料特性并分网 18
4.3施加载荷与约束 20
4.4求解并查看计算结果 20
4.5本章小结 24
5 凸轮与配气系统的有限元接触分析 25
5.1引言 25
5.2接触分析中的有限元法 25
5.2.1有限元接触分析 25
5.2.2有限元工具ANSYS工具软件介绍 25
5.2.3 ANSYS主要技术特点 26
5.3 ANSYS接触类型 26
5.3.1 ANSYS接触单元 27
5.4凸轮轴的接触分析 28
5.4.1定义单元类型及材料特性 28
5.4.2对模型划分单元 29
5.4.3创建接触对 30
5.4.4对模型施加载荷和约束并求解 31
5.4.5查看计算结果 33
5.5本章小结 38
6 全文总结 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 42