
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
Vicat apparatus is a kind of testing instrument,used for measuring cement coagulation time which is one of the crucial parameters of cement performance.But at home the technical level about coagulation time is much low,basically remaining the level of manual operating. In this testing method, not only high labor intensity will be needed., but also will the man-made factors greatly affect on the testing results. Although automatic Vicat apparatus has been appearing ,achieving the automatization of testing course.However,this method don’t fit the testing standord;testing results analysised and gaided by workers are affected by man-made factors;instrument can’t satisfy the demand for tempreture with humidity of cement coagulation time.So, to develop full automatic Vicat apparatus with the character of fitting the testing standard, convenient operation,the high testing operation and auto-analyzing and computing the testing results, will be valuable to improve the automatic level and testing quality of cement testing.
This paper presents the comparative analasis of working principle and performance character between existing manual Vicat apparatus and automatic Vicat apparatus,pointing out the exsiting shortages and problem in dire need of solving.On this basis,following researches have been carried out:
Corrsponding mechanism has been designed,imitated manual testing.Mechatronice technology has been adopted to realize the mensuration course autoimmunization of coagulation time.
While overseas automatic Vicat apparatus can’t truly measure the inserting depth of testing pin,the technology of searching the right point automatically and modern sensor technology have been have been advanced for the first time to apply to the measuring of testing pin’inserching depth.Because of the design of serching the right point automatically device and installation desine of Capacitance-grate sisplacement transducers,accurate mensuration has been achieved for each inserting depth of testing pin.
This apparatus successfully developed not only fills up the demestic blank but also precedes the overseas automatic Vicat apparatus in technology,where its price is only as one third as overseas Vicat appatatus.It will bdelegate the solving scheme of the most advanced economy om ordinary laboratory as well as satisfy the demand vasr users.
Key words:Vicat apparatus,cement,capacitance-grating sensor,mechatronics,Automatic testing.
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1问题得提出及研究意义 1
1.1.1问题的提出 1
1.1.2研究的意义 1
1.2国内外维卡仪的研究现状 1
1.3本课题所设计的维卡水泥见检测仪的.原理 2
1.4课题任务 3
1.5重点研究内容 3
1.6实现途径 3
2全自动维卡仪关键技术的研究 5
2.1自找平技术 5
2.1.1自动找平信号产生的研究 5
2.1.2试针停留在水泥表面准确度的研究 6
2.2位移传感器的应用研究 7
2.2.1位移传感器的选择 7
2.2.2容栅传感器的作用原理及特点 8
2.2.3容栅位移传感器应用于全自动维卡仪的适宜性研究 11
2.2.4容栅位移传感器在维卡仪上的定位于安装设计 12
2.3数据自动分析的应用研究 13
2.4本章小结 14
3全自动维卡仪各执行机构设计及外观设计 15
3.1总体设计 15
3.2试针起升和释放机构设计 15
3.3.试模移位机构设计 17
3.4插针机构设计 18
3.5机构外壳设计 19