
此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
本文以常见的旋转机械的设备故障为背景,分析了转子故障的存在原因,在设备振动监测与故障诊断知识的基础上,设计合理的网络拓扑结构,以Visual C++6.0软件、SQL Server数据库为平台,针对转子的故障设计出了具有针对性的动平衡系统。
(2)动平衡测试系统硬件设计。测试系统信号处理中用到的信号需要测试系统硬件提供,分析测试系统硬件组成,然后研究动平衡中常用传感器的特点,对 A/D卡进行选择并进行过程设计。
(3)该系统采用了SQL Server数据库技术,对系统信息、设备信息、采样数据进行了有效管理;针对各种不同的采集方式采用了统一的数据格式,充分利用了关系数据库的约束机制,达到了数据的一致性和完整性。
(4)应用Visual C++6.0进行软件编程简单的设备网络化巡检管理系统程序,初步实现网络化巡检管理系统的对巡检数据管理、分析和诊断的初步功能。
As rotating machinery enterprises in the distribution of dispersion, and the rotation and there are a lot of mechanical failure, particularly the imbalance in the rotating machinery and there are a lot of faults, the balance of rotating machinery demand is increasing. In this context, the paper focused on a rotating machinery of the balance system of simple design.
Based on the common rotating machinery equipment failure as the background, analysis of the reasons for the existence of rotor failure, equipment vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis on the basis of knowledge, rational design of the network topology, Visual C++6.0 software, SQL Server Database as a platform, for the failure of rotor design a targeted balance system.
Main research content in this paper is as follows:
(1) imbalance in the production and testing methods. Analysis of imbalances caused by vibration characteristics, for balancing test "Measuring What "specified direction, and then on the balance of the rotor imbalance correction method, and its handling balance.
(2) balancing test system hardware design. Test signal processing systems used in the testing system needed to provide hardware, systems analysis and testing of hardware components, and then balance on the characteristics of sensors used in the A/D cards to choose and design process.
(3) The system uses a SQL Server database technology, information systems, equipment, sampling data for the effective management of our various ways of collecting data using a unified format and make full use of a relational database and restraint mechanisms, to the data consistency and integrity.
(4) Application of Visual C++6.0 simple software programming network equipment management system of inspection procedures, the initial inspection of the network management system for inspection data management, analysis and diagnosis of function.
Keywords: Dynamic balancing, Influence coefficient method, Measurement system, Rotating machinery
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1课题目的和意义 1
1.2国内外现状 1
1.2.1动平衡机发展概况 1
1.2.2转子动平衡测试算法现状 3
1.2.3动平衡测试系统国内外现状 3
1.3本课题的研究内容及组织安排 4
1.3.1论文研究内容及思路 4
1.3.2论文组织安排 4
2 不平衡的产生及其测试方法 6
2.1不平衡的产生 6
2.1.1不平衡的基本概念 6
2.1.2产生质量不平衡的原因 7
2.1.3质量不平衡产生振动的原因和特点 7
2.1.4不平衡的机理分析 8
2.2转子不平衡故障的检测 9
2.2.1不平衡故障检测的基本思路 9
2.2.2旋转机械振动检测的基本参数 10
2.3影响系数法在转子动平衡中的应用 11
2.3.1 影响系数法在刚性转子中的应用 11
2.3.2影响系数法在柔性转子中的应用 13
2.3.3 使用位移传感器时对影响系数法的改进 15
2.4其他动平衡方法 16
2.4.1振型平衡法 16
2.4.2三点法 18
3 动平衡测试系统硬件设计 20
3.1各类传感器的介绍及其安装方式 20
3.1.1电磁式速度传感器 20
3.1.2 压电式加速度传感器 20
3.1.3 电涡流位移传感器 20
3.1.4 转速传感器 21
3.2A/D卡的选择 21
4 动平衡测试系统软件设计 23
4.1动平衡的分析和设计 23
4.1.1软件系统的Use Case框图 23
4.1.2动平衡事件流活动框图 24
4.1.3振动测试事件流活动框图 25
4.2系统的功能设计 25
4.3实例分析 26
5 结论与展望 30
5.1全文总结 30
5.2展望 30
致 谢 32
参 考 文 献 33