此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
The article introduc the hot-rolled strip production of the status situation over the world at first, to strip the production of live sets and the use of hydraulic AJC work process, hydraulic servo control system of the status situation.
Metallurgical Machinery for the use of hydraulic looper, hydraulic AJC workplac -e, hydraulic looper for metallurgical machinery, hydraulic AJC servo control experim- ent platform's overall programme analysis, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic valve select the type and design of Pressure Cylinder, piston rod, mechanical structure of the main comp -onents determining the size and design of the mechanical structure platform devices. Test station should complete the roll bending, crystal oscillator, Looper hydraulic AJC and the simulation experiments, therefore rack for the common part of the experiment, only part of the replacement equipment, and loaded with the quality of the same block. This article is described by Looper and hydraulic AJC part of the simulation.
For the simulation of the looper and hydraulic AJC,it’s main structure of the test station design including the selection of hydraulic cylinder design, the stability of the rod to do analysis; In addition the size of the slider design, and its stiffness and strength ch- eck .And then analysis of hydraulic cylinders and the movement control ,so that ac- hieve looper AJC and the location of hydraulic pressure control and control of the simu- lation eventually.
We can draw the conclusion that the design has met the requirements of the test station of the hydraulic control system. The research in the paper provides the reference for further improvement and development of the test beds characteristics.At the same time,it porvides the theoretical support in the test of various servo cyilnders under diferentte stingc onditions.
Key words:AJC,Looper,hydraulic cylinders, slider, a test station, control
目 录
中文摘要…………………………………………………………………. Ⅰ
1 绪论……………………………………………………………………. 1
1.1 世界热轧板带生产现状 1
1.1.1 国外热轧板带生产现状 1
1.1.2我国热轧板带生产现状 1
1.2 地下卷取机设备简介 1
1.3 AJC技术的简介 3
1.3.1 AJC控制系统工作过程 3
1.3.2 AJC控制组成因素 4
1.4 活套控制技术简介 4
1.4.1活套布置工艺 4
1.4.2活套工作过程 5
1.4.3 活套控制系统的发展 5
1.4.4 活套装置的发展 5
1.5 液压伺服控制系统研究现状的分析 6
1.6 课题背景及研究的目的和主要内容 7
1.6.1课题背景及研究目的 7
1.6.2 主要内容 7
2 液压系统设计计算 8
2.1 全面理解设计要求 8
2.2 动力元件参数选择 8
2.3 供油压力的选择 9
2.4 伺服阀的选择 9
2.5 执行元件的选择 10
2.5.1 液压缸的设计要求 10
2.5.2 结构设计 10
2.5.3 液压缸的设计计算步骤 11
2.5.4 选型 11
2.5.5 缸体主要参数设计 11
2.5.6液压缸结构参数的计算 12
2.5.7 液压缸的连接计算 17
2.6 液压缸性能参数的计算 20
2.6.1 液压缸流量Q 20
2.6.2 液压缸的功和功率 20
2.6.3 液压缸参数 21
2.6.4 技术要求………………………………………………………………………….21
2.7 液压泵的设计及选择…………………………………………………………………….21
3 机械结构设计计算 23
3.1机架设计概述 23
3.2 机架总体形式 23
3.3 横梁 25
3.3.1 概述 25
3.3.2 上横梁 26
3.3.3 下横梁 27
3.4 机架的力学分析与计算 27
3.4.1 一般性基本假设 27
3.4.2 中心载荷作用下的立柱受力分析 28
3.5 吊杆及砝码的设计 29
3.6 悬臂梁的刚度分析 30
3.7 活套以及液压AJC的模拟功能设计 31
3.7.1 模拟功能的实现方法 31
3.7.2 液压缸的安装位置设计 32
3.7.3 滑块的设计及校核计算 34
3.7.4 主要构件尺寸综合设计 36
4 结论 38
参考文献 …39