叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统的初步设计(本科毕业论文设计),中文摘要由于企业中大型叶轮机械的叶片承受许多极其苛刻的条件,所以在日常的工业生产中叶片事故时有发生。在此背景下,本文提出了叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统的设计。本文以某大型企业汽轮鼓风机组叶片的故障分析项目为背景,分析了汽轮机与鼓风机的叶片故障振动特点,在多种现有信号分析方法知识的基础上,以visual c++6...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布中文摘要
本文以某大型企业汽轮鼓风机组叶片的故障分析项目为背景,分析了汽轮机与鼓风机的叶片故障振动特点,在多种现有信号分析方法知识的基础上,以Visual C++6.0软件、SQL Server数据库为平台,针对该大型企业开发了一套叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统。
(2)学习VC++程序开发方法及SQL Sever数据库的应用方法,设计软件功能实现诊断要求;
(3)在理论分析的基础上,本研究研制了由Visual C++开发的测试软件组成的叶片故障诊断系统,对模拟的叶片故障进行了实验性测试研究,考察了不同叶片故障时的信号变化情况,对测试结果进行了分析和判别,提取了与叶片故障有关的信号特征参数,分析试验振动信号的特点与理论振动信号特点是否吻合,从而检验精密分析系统的性能。
Since large-scale enterprises in the mechanical impeller blades to bear many ex-tremely harsh conditions, so the day-to-day industrial production in the leaves of ac-cidents occur from time to time. In this context, this paper, impeller blade failure me-chanical vibration signals sophisticated analysis of the design.
In this paper, to a large enterprise group Turbo Blower monitoring of projects as the background, analysis of the steam turbine blade failure of the blower and vibration characteristics of the existing signal analysis in a variety of methods on the basis of knowledge, Visual C + +6.0 software, SQL Server Database as a platform, against the large-scale enterprises developed a sophisticated vibration signals blade failure analy-sis system.
This paper studies are as follows:
(1) analysis of the current common of several possible failure of the turbine vi-bration signal characteristics, to understand the large-scale rotating machinery for several signal processing methods of diagnosis on the basis of principle, according to some vibration characteristics of the turbine, several more suitable choice The sophis-ticated analysis of the blade vibration characteristics of signal failure.
(2) learning VC + + development of methods and procedures SQL Sever data-base applications, software design requirements to achieve the diagnosis;
(3) in the theoretical analysis on the basis of this study was developed by Visual C + + development of the software component of the test leaves fault diagnosis sys-tem, the simulation of a blade failure in experimental testing research, inspected the different blade failure of the signal change , The test results were analyzed and dis-crimination, and leaves from the failure of the signal characteristics of the relevant parameters, analysis and test the characteristics and vibration signals of vibration sig-nals characteristic of the anastomosis to test sophisticated analysis of system per-formance.
KEY WORDS: Leaves fault,Signal analysis,Sophisticated analysis system, Eexperimental analysis
目 录
中文摘要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1课题的背景及研究意义 1
1.1.1课题的研究背景 1
1.1.2课题的研究意义 1
1.2国内外现状 2
1.3本课题的研究内容 3
2 叶轮机械叶片故障诊断的基础研究 4
2.1叶片结构简述 4
2.2叶片故障类型及原因 5
2.2.1 叶片的故障类型 5
2.2.2 叶片的损坏部位 5
2.2.3 叶片故障原因分析 6
2.3叶片各工作状态的振动信号特点 7
2.3.1叶片正常工作时的振动信号特点 7
2.3.2叶片不平衡故障振动信号特点 8
2.3.3叶片碰磨故障振动信号特点 11
2.3.4叶片脱落断裂故障 13
3 叶轮机械叶片典型故障振动信号分析方法 14
3.1 时域分析 14
3.2 频域分析 15
3.3 其他分析 17
3.3.1时频分析 17
3.3.2 幅值解调 17
4 叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析软件系统的设计 20
4.1精密分析系统的构成 20
4.1.1常用状态监测与故障诊断的物理模型 20
4.1.2叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统的模型 20
4.1.3叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统的功能模块图 21
4.2叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统的软件实现 23
4.2.1平台的选择 23
4.2.2叶轮机械叶片故障振动信号精密分析系统的启动和关闭 23
4.2.3数据管理模块的实现 24
4.2.4信号精密分析模块的实现 26
4.3实例分析 27
4.3.1实验过程 27
4.3.2实例结果分析 29
5 结论与展望 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32