印制电路板(pcb)数控钻铣床设计(六轴)(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要pcb数控一轴钻铣床是一种机电一体化的产品,是专用于pcb加工的数控机床。它是将机械技术﹑计算机与信息技术﹑系统技术﹑自动控制技术﹑传感检测技术﹑伺服传动技术结合运用的一门综合学科的运用。机床采用先进的直线滚动轨迹、高精度滚珠丝杆和交流伺服电机、连轴器以及先进的变频器,与传统的机床相比,本机床自动化程度高、结构更...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布
摘 要
关键词: 数控机床,印刷电路板,伺服系统,机电匹配
PCB NC one-shaft drilling-milling machine tool is a kind of mechanical-electric integrative product and the three-shaft linkage NC appropriative print equipment based on the machining of PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Involved Mechanical Technology、Computer and Information Technology、Automatic control system technology sensing technology ﹑ detection technology and Servo drive technology.
The machine tool adopts advanced beeline rooling oriented track, high precision ball bearing screw shaft and AC servo electromotor technique, deals with many studies including micro-electronics, computer, auto-control, fine mechanicsand image manipulation, its comprehension is strong and its knowledge, technique and found density is high. It is used to the milling and drilling of high precision PCB.
The article discusses and analyzes the holistic system structure, servo feeding organ, working organ, NC organ and machinery electricity matching, and has carried out detailed designing and studying of holistic system and servo feeding system mainly including the estimation of driving parameter of the machine tool, the design of holistic structure layout, the selection of servo system, and the selection and proofing of key parts including ball bearing screw shaft, beeline oriented track, crosshead, ball bearing, AC servo electromotor, principal axis.
It up to the design requirements about functions, precision, stiffness, anti-vibration and heat deformation, the degree of automation, ease of operation Through the machine's overall system and structure of the programme carried out a detailed analysis and design.it up to the accuracy of design through detailed analysis and design in the feeding system and transmission programmes. Lay the foundation for recision machinery parts processing enhance and improve the Processing of Characteristics of Mechanical systems .it analys and descript in the Principle, structure and software and hardware components and functions.
Above all. Through the design.useing the knowledge of the design of CNC milling machine drilling.it meet the design requirements in various technical indicators.it apply low strength for the development of Machinery Industry.
Key words: NC machine tool, PCB, servo system, machinery electricity matching
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
2 机床的总体设计 4
2.1机床的主要技术参数的确定 4
2.1.1机床主参数及基本参数 4
2.1.2运动参数的确定 4
2.1.3动力参数的确定 6
2.2整机的系统设计 9
2.2.1机械系统 10
2.2.2数控装置 10
2.2.3辅助装置 11
2.3机床的总体布局 11
2.3.1机床的整体布局 11
2.3.2机床各主要组成部件机构方案分析 12
2.4机床传动系统设计 13
3 伺服进给系统设计 16
3.1伺服进给系统的选择设计 16
3.1.1伺服系统的设计要求 16
3.1.2伺服系统的类型分析与选择 17
3.1.3伺服系统传动装置的设计 19
3.2传动部件的选择 20
3.2.1滚珠丝杆副的选择计算 20
3.2.2滚珠丝杆支承方式和轴承的选择与校核 31
3.2.3连轴器的设计 34
3.2.4导轨副的选择与分析 36
3.2.5伺服电机的选择 38
4 机床的工作和数控装置设计 43
4.1机床的工作装置 43
4.1.1机床的工作装置 43
4.1.2电主轴的选择 44
4.2机床的数控装置 45
4.2.1 CNC数控系统 45
4.2.2机床的数控系统 47
5 结论 51
致谢 52
关键词: 数控机床,印刷电路板,伺服系统,机电匹配
PCB NC one-shaft drilling-milling machine tool is a kind of mechanical-electric integrative product and the three-shaft linkage NC appropriative print equipment based on the machining of PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Involved Mechanical Technology、Computer and Information Technology、Automatic control system technology sensing technology ﹑ detection technology and Servo drive technology.
The machine tool adopts advanced beeline rooling oriented track, high precision ball bearing screw shaft and AC servo electromotor technique, deals with many studies including micro-electronics, computer, auto-control, fine mechanicsand image manipulation, its comprehension is strong and its knowledge, technique and found density is high. It is used to the milling and drilling of high precision PCB.
The article discusses and analyzes the holistic system structure, servo feeding organ, working organ, NC organ and machinery electricity matching, and has carried out detailed designing and studying of holistic system and servo feeding system mainly including the estimation of driving parameter of the machine tool, the design of holistic structure layout, the selection of servo system, and the selection and proofing of key parts including ball bearing screw shaft, beeline oriented track, crosshead, ball bearing, AC servo electromotor, principal axis.
It up to the design requirements about functions, precision, stiffness, anti-vibration and heat deformation, the degree of automation, ease of operation Through the machine's overall system and structure of the programme carried out a detailed analysis and design.it up to the accuracy of design through detailed analysis and design in the feeding system and transmission programmes. Lay the foundation for recision machinery parts processing enhance and improve the Processing of Characteristics of Mechanical systems .it analys and descript in the Principle, structure and software and hardware components and functions.
Above all. Through the design.useing the knowledge of the design of CNC milling machine drilling.it meet the design requirements in various technical indicators.it apply low strength for the development of Machinery Industry.
Key words: NC machine tool, PCB, servo system, machinery electricity matching
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1 绪论 1
2 机床的总体设计 4
2.1机床的主要技术参数的确定 4
2.1.1机床主参数及基本参数 4
2.1.2运动参数的确定 4
2.1.3动力参数的确定 6
2.2整机的系统设计 9
2.2.1机械系统 10
2.2.2数控装置 10
2.2.3辅助装置 11
2.3机床的总体布局 11
2.3.1机床的整体布局 11
2.3.2机床各主要组成部件机构方案分析 12
2.4机床传动系统设计 13
3 伺服进给系统设计 16
3.1伺服进给系统的选择设计 16
3.1.1伺服系统的设计要求 16
3.1.2伺服系统的类型分析与选择 17
3.1.3伺服系统传动装置的设计 19
3.2传动部件的选择 20
3.2.1滚珠丝杆副的选择计算 20
3.2.2滚珠丝杆支承方式和轴承的选择与校核 31
3.2.3连轴器的设计 34
3.2.4导轨副的选择与分析 36
3.2.5伺服电机的选择 38
4 机床的工作和数控装置设计 43
4.1机床的工作装置 43
4.1.1机床的工作装置 43
4.1.2电主轴的选择 44
4.2机床的数控装置 45
4.2.1 CNC数控系统 45
4.2.2机床的数控系统 47
5 结论 51
致谢 52