

美国房车空调上下蜗壳逆向工程的数字化设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要21世纪的制造业正面临着越来越激烈的全球化市场竞争,而快速与创新的产品开发技术是目前众多制造企业的迫切需求。逆向工程技术以其快捷有效缩短开发周期已经成为产品开发中的一个重要的方法,本论文面向产品快速开发对逆向工程技术进行了研究。本文首先介绍了逆向工程的定义、技术流程、实施的条件、应用范围等相关知识,对逆向工程的关...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 genmail 发布

摘 要




The manufacturing industries are facing the globe market competition in the 21st Century,and lots of manufacturing companies require urgently the rapid R&D technique to adapt the market, the rapidness and innovation are the basic characteristics of the product development. RE (reverse engineering) technique,with its efficiency and rapidness, is becoming one of the key techniques for product research and development. Focused on the field of the rapid product development, the key technologies of reverse engineering system are studied in the thesis.
This paper first introduced some relevant knowledge of RE like the definition of RE, technical processes, implementation of the conditions, the scope of application of RE, etc. And make a detail summarized and fully understand on the key technologies of RE. And then use ATOS scanning system of Germany, combined enterprise projects, achieved the scanning of the Upper Volute of Air conditioning on U.S. Recreational Vehicle, collected the data of this part, and made some corresponding data processing, get the full point cloud data of the volute. Finally, it created detail model in 3D modeling software—UG, get ultimately superior digital model. Fully reflects the advantages of using RE to design parts.

Keywords:Reverse engineering, Digital scanning, Data collection, Data processing, Model reconstruction

目 录

摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 逆向工程概述 1
1.2.1 逆向工程的概念 1
1.2.2 逆向工程的技术流程 2
1.2.3 逆向工程的应用领域及其意义 3
1.2.4 逆向工程的关键技术 4
1.2.5 逆向工程实施的硬件和软件条件 5
1.3 本课题研究项目 5
2 数据获取 6
2.1 接触式测量方法 6
2.2 非接触式测量方法 7
2.2.1 激光三角法 7
2.2.2 光栅投影法 8
2.3 ATOS流动式光学扫描仪简介 8
2.3.1 ATOS扫描测量工件的前期准备 10
2.3.2 ATOS扫描系统的扫描方式 13
2.4 蜗壳零件表面数据的获取 13
3 数据处理 15
3.1 点云数据的处理 15
3.1.1 点云 15
3.1.2 噪声去除 16
3.1.3 多视对齐 17
3.1.4 数据精简 17
3.1.5 数据光顺 17
3.1.6 数据分割 18
3.2 逆向软件Imageware简介 18
3.3 蜗壳零件点云数据的处理 19
4 模型重建 21
4.1 CAD模型重建技术 21
4.1.1 曲面造型方法 22
4.1.2 三维造型软件UG简介 22
4.2本文使用的建模方法 23
5 建模过程 24
6 总结 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34