装配车间mes下的物料管理系统研究(本科毕业论文设计),摘要制造执行系统(manufacturing execution system,mes)是位于上层的计划管理系统与底层的工业控制之间的面向车间生产的管理信息系统。它能够为车间管理人员提供生产计划的执行、跟踪以及所有与生产有关资源的当前状态等信息。物料管理作为车间重要的生产管理环节,更需要在mes环境下采用统一、有效的跟...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
制造执行系统(Manufacturing Execution System,MES)是位于上层的计划管理系统与底层的工业控制之间的面向车间生产的管理信息系统。它能够为车间管理人员提供生产计划的执行、跟踪以及所有与生产有关资源的当前状态等信息。物料管理作为车间重要的生产管理环节,更需要在MES环境下采用统一、有效的跟踪和管理模式。研究面向MES的物料管理可方便随时了解车间物料的动态信息,同时,对于缩短产品周期,提高设备利用率,提高产品的制造质量,节约产品生产成本,增强竞争力等都有十分重要的意义。
MES(Manufacturing Execution System) is information systems that reside on the plant floor between the planning systems in offices and direct industrial controls in the production manufacturing management process,which provides real-time information about the product planning,product tracing and resource allocation for the plant floor managers .As an important kind of manufacturing management, materiel management needs a universal and effective mode of tracking and management in environment of MES. Dynamic information of workshop material is gathered at real time. MES-oriented material management can help enterprise to reduce product lifecycle, increase equipment efficiency, improve product quality, and cut production cost.
Cooperation between logistics and operation on assembly line is important, to achieve this, Efforts should be taken to improve material distribution. How to distribute material precisely and Just-in-time is the first thing need to be considered.
In this paper,the MES-oriented material management system in assembly workshop is studied. First of all, this paper tells why it is necessary to study material management of the assembly workshop, combining with the characteristics of MES, put forward a new material management mode in environment of MES. Secondly, the overall design was made based on the situation of the assembly workshop, and the whole material management system is divided into material inventory management and work in process. We use Automated Storage and Retrieva l System to manage material requirement and material storage, And then study on material distribution,process stating,dynamic tracking,solve a series of problem which information lag produce and management and the relation between material management and other subsystem is narrate. Thirdly, analyze and design the MES-oriented material management module, , to make production information overall and accurate. Analyzed all the function needed. At last ,a precise-oriented prototype has been developed.
Key Words: Manufacturing Execution System(MES),Material Management
Work In Process Tracking, Material requirement planning(MRP)
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1论文研究的背景 1
1.1.1 MES的定义 2
1.1.2装配车间面向MES的物料管理系统 3
1.2 国内外研究的现状和研究意义 3
1.3课题研究的必要行与可行性及主要研究工作 4
1.3.1课题研究的必要性与可行性 4
1.3.2论文的主要研究工作 6
1.4本章小节 6
2装配车间物料管理系统的整体设计 7
2.1面向MES的物料管理方案 7
2.2物料的库存管理 8
2.2.1 物料需求管理和物料的存储管理 8
2.2.2 物料配送准备 8
2.3在制品管理 9
2.3.1物料配送系统 9
2.3.2在制品转移路径 10
2.3.3在制品信息追踪 11
2.4物料管理系统与其他系统之间的交互 13
2.5本章小节 14
3物料管理系统的实施 16
3.1 MES下物料管理的功能分析 16
3.1.1功能需求的分析 16
3.1.2 MES下物料管理系统的功能分析 17
3.2 系统实施 18
3.3本章小结 22
4总结与展望 23
参考文献 24