自动线落料翻转设备设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘要“自动线落料翻转设备” 是汽车覆盖件自动化冲压生产线上的重要设备。其主要功能是承接机器人搬运的板料,吸附并翻转,整齐放置于料盘中。汽车覆盖件的结构特点有:尺寸大、板材薄、形状复杂等;质量特点有:尺寸精度高、表面精度严、结构刚性强、加工工艺好等特点。随着技术发展的进程,众多企业已经或将要把人工上下料的流水线改造为半自...

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摘 要
“自动线落料翻转设备” 是汽车覆盖件自动化冲压生产线上的重要设备。其主要功能是承接机器人搬运的板料,吸附并翻转,整齐放置于料盘中。汽车覆盖件的结构特点有:尺寸大、板材薄、形状复杂等;质量特点有:尺寸精度高、表面精度严、结构刚性强、加工工艺好等特点。随着技术发展的进程,众多企业已经或将要把人工上下料的流水线改造为半自动冲压线和自动冲压线。
"Auto Line blanking flip equipment" is the auto cover automated production line punching the important equipment. Main function is to undertake the robot handling sheet metal, Adsorption and overturned, Neatly placed on the material after. Auto cover the structural features are: large size, thin sheet metal, the complex shape; The quality of the characteristics are: the size of high-precision, high-precision surface-rigid structure, good processing techniques, and so on. With technological development, more enterprises have been or should be expected from top to bottom of the pipeline into a semi-automatic and automatic stamping line stamping line.
In the'90s, the first time independent research and development of the first large-scale coverage of the cars stamping line automation systems, stable and reliable performance, good performance, simple operation. However, large-scale multi-stamping presses automatic production lines due to high costs and technical aspects of the problem in the country to promote the use of a very long time.
Therefore, we will use a relatively simple mechanical and aerodynamic bodies, the use of the automated gas source press (electronic signals sent by the press to control), and blanking parts scene and overturned, this device features: a simple structure, Reliable operation, the use of maintenance-friendly, and so on.
The whole design process, including the choice of programme, the principle of the matrix on the basis of the detailed design, analysis and calculations, that meet the requirements of the use of the device.
Key words: automatic processing lines, overturned the equipment, covering parts
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
目 录 Ⅲ
前言 1
1翻转设备总体方案的设计与选择 2
1.1 课题的来源及意义 2
1.1.1自动线落料翻转设备 2
1.1.2 翻转设备的应用及国内外的概况 2
1.1.3翻转设备的发展趋势 3
1.2设计的主要内容及要求 3
1.2.1主要内容 3
1.2.2设计的具体要求 3
1.3设计的技术指标 4
1.4机构的运动方案设计并确定主要机构形式 4
2 执行机构零部件的设计校核 10
2.1 载物台的相关计算 10
2.2气缸的计算 10
2.2.1 气缸设计计算步骤 11
2.2.2气缸的特性和原理 12
2.2.3气缸的主要尺寸及结构设计 12
2.2.4活塞杆及其强度校核 15
2.3真空吸盘的计算 15
2.3.1真空吸盘的作用 15
2.3.2 真空吸盘的图片和计算 16
3 辅助机构零部件的设计校核 17
3.1轴的设计和计算 18
3.1.1 轴设计的要求 18
3.1.2轴的材料选择 18
3.1.3轴的直径估算 18
3.1.4轴的结构设计 19
3.1.5轴的疲劳强度安全系数校核 19
3.2键的设计计算 20
3.2.1键的种类和特征 20
3.2.2键的选择 22
3.2.3静联接强度 22
3.3轴承的设计和计算 23
3.3.1 滚动轴承概述 23
3.3.2滚动轴承的主要类型和代号 24
3.3.3滚动轴承的类型选择 26
3.3.4滚动轴承的失效形式及计算准则 26
3.3.5滚动轴承静强度计算 27
3.4齿轮、齿条的设计和计算 28
3.4.1 齿轮的概述 28
3.4.2齿廓啮合基本定律 29
3.4.3渐开线标准直齿圆柱齿轮 29
3.4.4齿轮的损伤形式及设计准则 30
3.4.5齿轮常用材料 31
3.4.6齿轮齿条的设计和校核 31
4结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43
“自动线落料翻转设备” 是汽车覆盖件自动化冲压生产线上的重要设备。其主要功能是承接机器人搬运的板料,吸附并翻转,整齐放置于料盘中。汽车覆盖件的结构特点有:尺寸大、板材薄、形状复杂等;质量特点有:尺寸精度高、表面精度严、结构刚性强、加工工艺好等特点。随着技术发展的进程,众多企业已经或将要把人工上下料的流水线改造为半自动冲压线和自动冲压线。
"Auto Line blanking flip equipment" is the auto cover automated production line punching the important equipment. Main function is to undertake the robot handling sheet metal, Adsorption and overturned, Neatly placed on the material after. Auto cover the structural features are: large size, thin sheet metal, the complex shape; The quality of the characteristics are: the size of high-precision, high-precision surface-rigid structure, good processing techniques, and so on. With technological development, more enterprises have been or should be expected from top to bottom of the pipeline into a semi-automatic and automatic stamping line stamping line.
In the'90s, the first time independent research and development of the first large-scale coverage of the cars stamping line automation systems, stable and reliable performance, good performance, simple operation. However, large-scale multi-stamping presses automatic production lines due to high costs and technical aspects of the problem in the country to promote the use of a very long time.
Therefore, we will use a relatively simple mechanical and aerodynamic bodies, the use of the automated gas source press (electronic signals sent by the press to control), and blanking parts scene and overturned, this device features: a simple structure, Reliable operation, the use of maintenance-friendly, and so on.
The whole design process, including the choice of programme, the principle of the matrix on the basis of the detailed design, analysis and calculations, that meet the requirements of the use of the device.
Key words: automatic processing lines, overturned the equipment, covering parts
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
目 录 Ⅲ
前言 1
1翻转设备总体方案的设计与选择 2
1.1 课题的来源及意义 2
1.1.1自动线落料翻转设备 2
1.1.2 翻转设备的应用及国内外的概况 2
1.1.3翻转设备的发展趋势 3
1.2设计的主要内容及要求 3
1.2.1主要内容 3
1.2.2设计的具体要求 3
1.3设计的技术指标 4
1.4机构的运动方案设计并确定主要机构形式 4
2 执行机构零部件的设计校核 10
2.1 载物台的相关计算 10
2.2气缸的计算 10
2.2.1 气缸设计计算步骤 11
2.2.2气缸的特性和原理 12
2.2.3气缸的主要尺寸及结构设计 12
2.2.4活塞杆及其强度校核 15
2.3真空吸盘的计算 15
2.3.1真空吸盘的作用 15
2.3.2 真空吸盘的图片和计算 16
3 辅助机构零部件的设计校核 17
3.1轴的设计和计算 18
3.1.1 轴设计的要求 18
3.1.2轴的材料选择 18
3.1.3轴的直径估算 18
3.1.4轴的结构设计 19
3.1.5轴的疲劳强度安全系数校核 19
3.2键的设计计算 20
3.2.1键的种类和特征 20
3.2.2键的选择 22
3.2.3静联接强度 22
3.3轴承的设计和计算 23
3.3.1 滚动轴承概述 23
3.3.2滚动轴承的主要类型和代号 24
3.3.3滚动轴承的类型选择 26
3.3.4滚动轴承的失效形式及计算准则 26
3.3.5滚动轴承静强度计算 27
3.4齿轮、齿条的设计和计算 28
3.4.1 齿轮的概述 28
3.4.2齿廓啮合基本定律 29
3.4.3渐开线标准直齿圆柱齿轮 29
3.4.4齿轮的损伤形式及设计准则 30
3.4.5齿轮常用材料 31
3.4.6齿轮齿条的设计和校核 31
4结论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43