自攀爬机器人清洗装置及气动系统设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要机器人是传统的机构学与现代电子自动化技术相结合的产物,是计算机科学、控制论、机械学、电子技术等多学科综合性的高科技产物,是典型的机电一体化产品。它是一种仿人操作,可使用于各种复杂环境。机器人技术的出现和发展,不但可以部分取代人完成各种恶劣环境下的工作,而且将对人类社会产生深远的影响。在现代都市中,高层建筑越来越多...

此文档由会员 genmail 发布摘 要
关键词:爬壁机器人,真空吸附,多吸盘,气动系统, 清洗装置
Robot is a product of traditional mechanism and modern electronic automatization technology, and it is a synthetic high technology result of many subjects such as computer science, cybernetics, mechanics, information science and electronic. It is a typical product of mechatronics. It is the automatic equipment which can imitate the action of mankind, it is precise and suitable for many kinds of complicated environment. The appearance and development of robot technology will not only replace man to do works that under terrible conditions, but also bring profound influence to the life of human society.
In modern metropolis, high-rise construction more and more many, in order to guarantee the construction outward appearance neat is beautiful, needs regularly to carry on the clean to the surface, beautifies the city's appearance. on the need for regular cleaning of the surface to amenity 。Traditional cleaning methods rely on lifts or cleaners hanging baskets for carrying glass curtain wall cleaning, although simple, However, labor-intensive, low efficiency, high-altitude limit is operating on personal safety and glass wall has great threat。 Wall-climbing robot for cleaning is a kind of mobile service robot, which can climb on the surface of vertical walls and carry out cleaning tasks.。The Auto-cleaning Wall-climbing Robot System discussed in this dissertation aim at providing city construction industry with a highly efficient wall-climbing robot for cleaning glass or tile wall automatically.
This is the whole part of the research project. first introduced the domestic and overseas research situation of wall-cleaning robot, and expounded this articles’ research goal and the significance. Aim at the special circumstance, one type of wall-cleaning robot was proposed, this type of robot adopts vacuum suction cup、frame structure. This robot uses the vacuum generator to gain adsorb power. The compressed air produced by compressor on the ground can drive the cylinder to get plane motion and extend or contraction motion of the legs. A cleaning head was fixed on the robot body. It can clean the area around the moving route of robot. The robot has automatic and manual operating mode. The operation is simple and convenient. The robot’s working efficiency is very high. It can extricate the person from the dangerous work.
Keywords : wall-climbing robots, Vacuum adsorption ,more suckers, pneumatic systems, cleaning device
1绪 论 1
1.2国内外研究现状分析 2
1.2.1国内攀爬机器人研究现状 2
1.2.2国外攀爬机器人研究现状 8
1.3爬壁机器人的关键技术 10
1.4课题的主要任务及意义 12
1.4.1课题来源及研究意义: 12
1.4.2课题主要任务: 12
1.5小结 12
2爬壁机器人气动系统总体方案确定 13
2.1引言 13
2.2爬壁机器人的系统构成 13
2.3机器人吸附方式和驱动方式的确定 13
2.3.1机器人吸附方式的确定 13
2.3.2机器人驱动方式的确定 14
2.4爬壁机器人结构设计 15
2.4.1爬壁机器人本体结构 15
2.4.2爬壁机器人的静力分析及可靠吸附条件计算 16
2.5爬壁机器人吸附装置的设计与选型 18
2.5.1吸附装置 18
2.5.2真空发生装置 21
2.6行走机构 23
2.6.1腿部气缸的设计计算 23
2.6.2平动气缸的设计计算 23
3爬壁机器人气动系统设计及元件选型 25
3.1控制及其它气阀动元件的选取 25
3.1.1方向控制阀的选取 25
3.1.2单向节流阀的选取 25
3.1.3其他气动元器件的选取 26
3.2气路的设计 28
4清洗装置的设计 30
4.1引言 30
4.2清洗装置的本体结构设计 30
4.2.1构思 30
4.2.2本体结构 30
4.3清洗装置总体设计 31
4.3.1传动方式选择 31
4.3.2动力源的选择 32
4.3.3电马达的选型 32
4.3.4带传动设计 32
4.4清洗装置零配件列表 33